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Publisher's Note

Excerpt taken from Did It Really Happen by Jonathan A. Wood. © Jonathan A. Wood, 2019. Used by permission from Wipf & Stock.


The Bible makes remarkable claims about people and events in world history. Creation, Adam and Eve, Israel’s escape from Egypt, the rise and fall of Israel’s kingdom, the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, the growth of the church—all points of interest by scholars for the historical veracity of the Scriptures. Yet, the Bible does not appear to present the acts of God in history for the purpose of vindicating historical accuracy of the text. The Bible is a story that reveals the living God through inspired writings that communicate the meaning of historical events. In light of the Bible as the revelation of God, and the high stakes of historical veracity for the claims of the Bible, how should Christians approach the interpretation of the Scriptures in a faithful way?
Carl F. H. Henry offers guidance as a foremost theologian regarding God, revelation, and the Scriptures. In Did it Really Happen? Jonathan Wood engages the thought of Carl Henry in dialogue with the major alternatives to revelation, history, and the biblical text. The value of Carl Henry’s approach is shown to provide a path forward for affirming the historicity of the Bible while interpreting the text well.



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Wipf and Stock


Eugene, Oregon

About the Author

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Did it Really Happen?: Apologetics and Biblical Interpretation According to Carl F. H. Henry



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