One Grand Story: How the Bible Tells its Story and Why It Matters

One Grand Story: How the Bible Tells its Story and Why It Matters

School or Department

Biblical and Theological Studies



This is a little book about the "big picture" of the Bible.

As a primer on the discipline of biblical theology, it examines the Bible's message as a whole alongside some of the most important tools that help us discern and display this richly rewarding truth. It includes a framework for biblical theology, an introduction to specific reading strategies, and also a series of biblical-theological reflections on key biblical themes.

In the final part of the book, there is an annotated list of books for further reading, a series of topics for further research in the academic discipline of biblical theology, and a brief glossary of key terms. These final features of the book are designed for it to function well as a supplementary textbook in an academic course in biblical or theological studies. At the end of each chapter, there are also reflection prompts and discussion questions. This resource is designed to facilitate small group discussion (either in a church or a classroom setting).

In the end, the big idea of this little book is that biblical theology will help you navigate the world of the biblical text, and it will also help you locate yourself in the biblical text’s world.




Biblical theology, primer

Publication Date



Codex Books


Cedarville, Ohio, United States of America


Biblical Studies | Practical Theology | Religion

One Grand Story: How the Bible Tells its Story and Why It Matters
