Dr. J. Wesley Baker

Dr. J. Wesley Baker



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2002-2003 recipient


Dr. Baker has been at Cedarville since 1977, teaching courses in media law, media ethics, news writing and reporting, Christian approaches to the media, survey research, Web analytics, and data-driven journalism. His research interests are in the intellectual history of freedom of expression, the “image/word” conflict, and the effect of new communication technologies on society and particularly on media and journalism. Dr. Baker has twice received the Faculty Scholar Award at Cedarville, an Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Technology Award at the International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, and the Dr. Allen Monroe Integration of Faith and Learning Award. He is a member of Investigative Reporters and Editors, the Radio Television Data News Association (RTDNA), and the Web Analytics Association (WAA).

Dr. Baker's chapel address, entitled Scholarship of Integration, was on April 8, 2003.

Dr. J. Wesley Baker
