
Editorial Board Chairman

Dr. John H. Whitmore: Geology and Paleontology, johnwhitmore@cedarville.edu

Area Editors

Dr. Steven M. Gollmer: Atmospheric Sciences and Physics, gollmers@cedarville.edu

Dr. Joseph W. Francis: Biology, jfrancis@masters.edu

Dr. Aaron R. Hutchison: Chemistry and Physics, ahutchison@cedarville.edu

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner: Astronomy and Physics, dfaulkner@answersingenesis.org

Dr. Matthew A. McLain: Earth Sciences, Geology, and Paleontology, mmclain@masters.edu

Dr. Andy C. McIntosh: Formal Sciences, Engineering, and Computer Modeling, andy.c.mcintosh@gmail.com

Dr. Dennis M. Sullivan: Professional and Applied Sciences, Ethics, and Medicine, sullivan@cedarville.edu