

Jerry Bergman


The short age view, specifically the conflict between the evidence for a short age position and the eons of time concluded necessary for evolution to have occurred, is a major area of criticism against creationism by the anti-creation movement. All time estimates essentially examine current rates of physical change and assume that the rate found is fairly consistent, then extrapolate backwards. This 1s a difficult task that is not privy to replication.

Time Is clearly a human limitation and the Scriptures teach that it does not circumvent or impede God s will. As soon as a thought 1s conceived by Him, It is spoken of as not only put into action, but completed because, for all practical purposes, the conception of a thought by God Is fully equivalent to the completion of the action. The problems of trying to harmonize the changing view of the universe, as conceived by scientists and the unchanging Scriptures, are elucidated relative to time.

The time factor is crucial in that, given the essential possibility of a feat, a major difference between what mankind and God can achieve is the limitation of time. Given enough time, a mountain of any size could be moved by humans.


Time, creationism


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