Volume 3 (1994)
Title Page
Table of Contents
Technical Symposium Sessions
A Search For Radio Carbon in Coal
Gerald E. Aardsma
The Exodus Happened 2450 B.C.
Gerald E. Aardsma
Preventing Out-of-Wedlock, Teenage Pregnancy: Current Practice Versus the Experimental Social Psychology Research
Paul D. Ackerman
The Pre-Flood / Flood Boundary: As Defined in Grand Canyon and East Mojave
Steven A. Austin and Kurt P. Wise
Runaway Subduction as the Driving Mechanism for the Genesis Flood
John R. Baumgardner
Patterns of Ocean Circulation Over the Continents During Noah's Flood
John R. Baumgardner and Daniel W. Barnette
Magnetic Monopoles and Grand Unification Theory
Jerry Bergman
An Update on the Courts, Academic Freedom and Creationists: The Peloza, Johnson, and Bishop Cases
Jerry Bergman
Experiments on Stratification
Guy Berthault
Particle Interaction Analysis of Solar Formation and Stabilization
Edward A. Boudreaux
Mixing Lines: Considerations Regarding Their Use in Creationist Interpretation of Radioisotope Age Data
Robert H. Brown
A Biblical / Creation Model and Response for Environmental Difficulties
Mark W. Cadwallader
Are the Fundamental "Constants" of Physics Really Variables?
Eugene F. Chaffin
Toward an Understanding of the Tidal Fluid Mechanics Associated with the Genesis Flood
M. E. Clark and H. D. Voss
Do Birds of Prey Demonstrate Stability of Species?
G. Richard Culp
Distribution of Supernova Remnants in the Galaxy
Keith Davies
A Giant Meteorite Impact and Rapid Continental Drift
J. Michael Fischer
Values Clarification: An Evaluation
Warren F. Forgay
A Different Approach to the Problem of Scientific Knowledge
Apostolos Ch. Frangos
Prescience Prophecy: A Pyrrhic Victory
Terry R. Green
Biblical Naturalism: A Time for Paradigm Change
Robert Harsh
A Biblical Basis for a Creationist Cosmology
D. Russell Humphreys
Progress Toward a Young·Earth Relativistic Cosmology
D. Russell Humphreys
The Canopy, the Moon, the Earth's Tilt, and Pre·Flood Ice Age
Greg S. Jorgensen
The Origin of Atomic Structure
Joseph C. Lucas and Charles W. Lucas
Evolutionary Origin of Life Scenarios: Paradox of Plasma Membrane
Richard D. Lumsden
Knee Design: Implications for Creation .vs. Evolution
Kevin C. McLeod
Mountain Building and Continental Drift
Mats Molėn
A Determination and Analysis of Appropriate Values of the Speed of Light to Test the Setterfield Hypothesis
Alan Montgomery
Creation: The Key to History
Ellen Myers
Some Questionable Creationist Axioms Reexamined
Bernard E. Northrup
Lack of Evidence for Hand Dominance In the NonHuman Primate: Difficulty for the Theory of Evolution
Suzanne S. Palmer
Mechanisms for Gender Role Stasis
C. Diane Powell
The Biotic Message: An Introduction
Walter James ReMine
The Bible and Science: Toward a Rational Harmonization
John Mark Reynolds
Gosse and Omphalos: The Bible and Science
John Mark Reynolds
Basic Types of Life
Siegfried Scherer
Regional Metamorphism Within a Creationist Framework: What Garnet Compositions Reveal
Andrew A. Snelling
U-TH-PB: An Example of False Isochrons
Andrew A. Snelling
The Kidney: A Designed System for Plasma Homeostasis
Patricia L. Speck
The Origin and History of the Solar System
Wayne R. Spencer
The Genesis Kinds: A Perspective from Embryology
Sheena E.B. Tyler
A Conceptual Transition Model of the Atmospheric Global Circulation Following the Genesis Flood
Larry Vardiman
A Biblical Geologic Model
Tas Walker
The World-View Approach to Critical Thinking
Mark E. Wisniewski
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: A Global Flood Model of Earth History
Steven A. Austin, John R. Baumgardner, D. Russell Humphreys, Andrew A. Snelling, Larry Vardiman, and Kurt P. Wise
The Biota and Logistics of Noah's Ark
John Woodmorappe
Archeology and Creation Science
J. A, Young