

C. Diane Powell


ReMine argues that the existence of biological universals, such as vitamins and DNNRNA, points to a Designer [66][67]. ReMine's 'biotic message theory' not only fumishes us with a more satisfactory explanation for biological complexity, it provides man with a more satisfying explanation for his own sense of purpose by locating meaning in the intention of the Designer to communicate with man. Man's unique biD-cultural nature severely challenges naturalistic social theories such as sociobiology and feminism. In contrast, it accurately predicts the unique dual role of man in regard to the biotic message in that he serves as both part of the medium and as the interpreter of the biotic message. Human reproductive behavior is largely determined by two key human biological universals, sexual reproduction, a cross-species biological universal, and the lengthy dependency of offspring, a uniquely human trait. Biologically-based gender roles provide the foundation of the human family unit which is critically needed in order to support offspring during a lengthy developmental period [63][64]. In message theory, biological survival is essential for the transmission of the message. However, because ofthe critical role man serves as interpreter, he must do more than survive biologically, he must be able to discover the message which has been encoded for him within the natural realm. Naturalistic philosophies, such as sociobiology and feminism, have had destructive consequences for the family by undermining religion and morality which serve a key role in supporting marital commitment and parental caretaking. Both sociobiology and feminism are unable to explain or deal satisfactorily with universals such as sexual reproduction and the long dependency of offspring. As a result, both approaches reveal frequent use of bias and numerous contradictions as they attempt to explain the data using their assumptions.


Gender, feminism, message theory, sociobiology


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