

Life forms have long been assumed to be arranged in a single, inviolably nested hierarchal pattern. However, evidences of typology, examples of chimeromorphs, problematica, low orthologous gene frequencies, horizontal gene transfer, iterative, convergent, parallel, and heterochronic evolution, and alternate classifications from changes in taxonomic prioritization of characters, as well as cladistic observations of unresolved multichotomies, abundant most-parsimonious cladograms, low consistency Indexes, and increased character weighting suggest that more than one hierarchal pattern might be equally and simultaneously true. Biblical bioclassification not only classifies organisms differently from modern bioclassification, but also appears to be purposely flexible -- varying according to the specific needs of the one who uses the classification. Divinely instituted hierarchies of family, government, and church are neither inviolably nested nor descriptive of all the complex, many times hierarchy-contradicting relationships which exist within the institutions. Man creates things which can be grouped into multiple, equally valid classifications, and God's very nature cannot be described by any single hierarchy. It would seem that neither God's nature nor His creation (reflective of His nature) is arranged in a singular nested pattern A multiple-nested and/or networked pattern for life should be seriously considered by creationists for superbaraminic classification.


Nested, hierarchy, netted, bioclassification, nature of God, biosystematics, baraminology, chimeromorphs, homoplasy, typology


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