Although biogeography has contributed important data to the debate on biological origins for centuries, global biogeographic models have had poor success at explaining biogeographic data. Heretofore, the best models (evolutionary biogeography models) have neither successfully explained the multi-taxon concurrence of trans-oceanic range disjunctions nor why areas of endemism exist where they do. Here a creationist dispersal mechanism is suggested. It is proposed that plants and animals rafted across oceans on and among masses of logs, plant debris, and vegetation mats in the immediate post-Flood world. United with post-Flood models of geology, climatology, and biology, a uniquely young-age creationist model of biogeography is generated which seems to explain not only the data explained by the best evolutionary models, but also data which such models fail to explain. Also introduced are eighteen biogeographic tests of the model.
Post-Flood, biogeography, rafting, ocean currents, intrabaraminic diversification, endemism, dispersal, disjunction
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Pages 465-478
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Recommended Citation
Wise, Kurt P. and Croxton, Matthew
"Rafting: A Post-Flood Biogeographic Dispersal Mechanism,"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism: Vol. 5, Article 37.
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