Volume 6 (2008)
Title Page
Table of Contents
Reid Moon
Technical Symposium Sessions
Testing Classical Interactions Between Finite Particles as a Model of Nuclear Structure
Edward A. Boudreaux and Eric C. Baxter
Bio-Ethics from Image of God and Soul
Doug Kennard
A Critique of the Pre-Creation Chaos Gap Theory
John Zoschke
A Creationist Perspective of Beneficial Mutations in Bacteria
Kevin L. Anderson and Georgia Purdom
Mendel's Accountant: A New Population Genetics Simulation Tool for Studying Mutation and Natural Selection
John Baumgardner, John Sanford, Wesley Brewer, Paul Gibson, and Walter ReMine
Progressive Evolution or Degeneration?
Jerry Bergman
The "Eve" Mitochondrial Consensus Sequence
Robert W. Carter, Dan Criswell, and John Stanford
Snake Hybridization: A Case for Intrabaraminic Diversity
Glen Fankhauser and Kenneth B. Cumming
Modeling Biochemical Processes as Designed Systems
Steven M. Gollmer
Analysis of Barry Hall's Research of the E. coli ebg Operon: Understanding the Implications for Bacterial Adaptation to Adverse Environments
Georgia Purdom and Kevin L. Anderson
Using Numerical Simulation to Test the Validity of Neo-Darwinian Theory
John Sanford, John Baumgardner, Wesley Brewer, Paul Gibson, and Walter ReMine
Studies of the Dependence of Nuclear Half-lives on Changes in the Strength of the Nuclear Force
Eugene F. Chaffin
Starlight, Time, and the New Physics
John Hartnett
The Tectonics of Venus and Creation
Robert Hill
The Creation of Cosmic Magnetic Fields
D. Russell Humphreys
Evidence for an Earth-Centered Universe
Mark Matthews
Ocean Circulation Velocities Over the Continents During Noah's Flood
Raj Prabhu, Mark F. Horstemeyer, and Wesley Brewer
Is the Moon's Orbit "Ringing" from an Asteroid Collision Event which Triggered the Flood?
Ronald G. Samec
Simulation Analysis of Glacial Surging in the Des Moines Ice Lobe
Jesse A. Sherburn, Mark F. Horstemeyer, and Kiran Solanki
Distant High-Energy Sources and the Cosmic Microwave Background in a Creation Day 1 Framework
Randy Speir
A Proposed Mesoscale Simulation of Precipitation in Yosemite National Park with a Warm Ocean
Larry Vardiman
Radiohalos and Diamonds: Are Diamonds Really for Ever?
Mark H. Armitage and Andrew A. Snelling
Extinct Isotopes and the Age of the Earth
Don B. DeYoung
The Ice Age: It Really Was Short
Mats Molén
Catastrophic Subglacial Drainage and Rapid Landscape Formation in Canada, with Special Emphasis on the Niagara Escarpment
Emil Silvestru
Radiohalos in the Cooma Metamorphic Complex, New South Wales, Australia: The Mode and Rate of Regional Metamorphism
Andrew A. Snelling
Radiohalos in the Shap Granite, Lake District, England: Evidence that Removes Objections to Flood Geology
Andrew A. Snelling
Significance of Highly Discordant Radioisotope Dates for Precambrian Amphibolites in Grand Canyon, USA
Andrew A. Snelling
Using Suites of Criteria to Recognize Pre-Flood, Flood, and Post-Flood Strata in the Rock Record with Application to Wyoming (USA)
John H. Whitmore and Paul Garner
Rapid and Early Post-Flood Mammalian Diversification Evidenced in the Green River Formation
John H. Whitmore and Kurt P. Wise
Georgia Public School Board Members' Beliefs Concerning the Inclusion of Creationism in the Science Curriculum
Karen Cook, Steven W. Deckard, and Kathie (Johnson) Morgan
Measurement of Creation/Evolution Student Attitudes and the Importance of a Correct Understanding of Worldview within a Young-Earth Creationist Context
Steven W. Deckard, David DeWitt, John Pantana, and James Fyock
A Review of the Search for Noah's Ark
Anne Habermehl
Structural Dynamic Stability of Noah's Ark
Mark F. Horstemeyer, Jesse Sherburn, Dean Polk, and Andy Bryant
Noah's Ark Design: Factoring Partial Composite Action
John Woodmorappe