In recent years there have been significant developments in cosmological models that assume zero or near zero entropy conditions for the origin of the universe. Modern versions of these models are providing quantifiable interpretations for a wide range of astronomical phenomena. These interpretations are mutually consistent but are in strong variance with interpretations based on ‘Hot Big Bang’ cosmologies. On the other hand, low entropy cosmogony models have a theoretical framework that has strong resonance with creationary requirements for cosmogony.
Cosmogony; Fermi Degeneracy Energy; Cosmological Nucleosynthesis; Stellar Formation; Stellar Clustering; Galactic Clustering; Cosmic Microwave Background; CMB; Young Earth Creationism
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Recommended Citation
Davies, Keith
"Counting Back to Zero: A Review of Cosmological Models That Begin Under Conditions of Zero Entropy,"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism: Vol. 7, Article 41.
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