

The Principle of Uniformitarianism which has pervaded most of geology and cosmology for a few hundred years does not hold as an overall principle. Indeed there have been periods of uniformitarian activity, but there have been periods of short term catastrophism throughout the Universe and the Solar System, particularly around the short time before recorded history began. That time was when a global flood rearranged the earth’s surface and destroyed air breathing life forms, except those who came through the flood according to all the stories handed down in the records from every people group on earth.

If the Principle of Uniformitarianism is set aside and a catastrophe which caused a global flood on Earth is extended to include the Solar System, then a model can be developed which can explain many observable aspects of the Solar System, including water, water ice, craters, comets, icy satellites of the major planets, and the asteroids. Outside the catastrophic model much of the Solar System and its history will remain a mystery.

The model proposes that a wave of ice bodies entered the Solar System around 2300 years before Jesus Christ and impacted, in order, Saturn, Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury, then some unknown body or bodies which are now asteroids, then Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. Many have continued into space but many continue to return as comets.

The method used to determine quantitative aspects of the model was to calculate the acceleration caused by the Sun and draw vector diagrams which gave velocities, direction and time to the ice bodies so their paths could be followed through the Solar System.


Uniformitarianism. catastrophism. comets. asteroids. Noah. flood. ice. water. impact. crater. satellite. vectors. acceleration. velocity. resultant. planets. astronomical unit


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