Addresses of All Authors
1806 Royal Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229 USA
Author's Biography
Timothy L. Clarey earned a Ph.D. and B.S. (summa cum laude) from Western Michigan University, and a M.S. from University of Wyoming all in geology. He worked for nearly a decade as an exploration geologist for Chevron and 17 years as a college professor. His publications include numerous articles on the geology of the Rocky Mountain region. He has written and/or co-authored four books, including Guide to Dinosaurs (ICR). His latest book, Dinosaurs: Marvels of God’s Design, was published by Master Books in 2015. Tim has worked as Research Associate for ICR since 2013.
Davis J. Werner is an undergraduate at a community college in Texas, with the goal of earning a degree in geology. He has worked at ICR since 2015 as a research assistant.
Knowledge of pre-Flood geography and the location of the Garden of Eden have eluded Bible-believing scientists and theologians. This study attempts to reconstruct the gross geography of the pre-Flood world by examining the detailed stratigraphy that was deposited during the Flood. Over 1500 stratigraphic columns were constructed across North and South America and Africa, recording the lithology and stratigraphy at each location. Sedimentary layers were examined using Sloss-type megasequences which allowed detailed analysis of the progression of the Flood in six discrete depositional segments. The three earliest megasequences, Sauk, Tippecanoe and Kaskaskia, were the most limited in areal coverage and volume and contain almost exclusively marine fossils, indicating a likely marine realm. The 4th megasequence (Absaroka) shows a dramatic increase in global coverage and volume and includes the first major plant and terrestrial animal fossils. The 5th megasequence (Zuni) appears to be the highest water point of the Flood (Day 150) as it exhibits the maximum global volume of sediment and the maximum areal coverage, compared to all earlier megasequences. The final megasequence (Tejas) exhibits fossils indicative of the highest upland areas of the pre-Flood world. Its rocks document a major shift in direction reflective of the receding water phase of the Flood. Results include the first, data-based, pre-Flood geography map for half of the world. By comparing the individual megasequences to the fossil record, patterns emerge that fit the concept of ecological zonation. The paper concludes with a new ecological zonation-megasequence model for Flood strata and the fossil record.
Geology | Stratigraphy
Sloss sequences, megasequences, pre-Flood geography, shallow seas, uplands, lowlands, Pangaea, stratigraphic columns
Print Reference
Pages 351-372
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Recommended Citation
Clarey, T.L., and D.J. Werner. 2018. Use of sedimentary megasequences to re-create pre-Flood geography. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Creationism, ed. J.H. Whitmore, pp. 351–372. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Creation Science Fellowship.
Clarey_Pre-Flood_Geography.pdf (7697 kB)