Addresses of All Authors
Science and Math Department 251 N Main St, Cedarville, Ohio 45314
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
This project’s aim is to compare the rounding of K-feldspar grains in eolian and subaqueous conditions. It was hypothesized that K-feldspar grains in a subaqueous environment are cushioned enough by surrounding water to prevent the rounding observed in eolian environments. The experiment was conducted by use of eolian and subaqueous simulations originally developed by Calvin Anderson for comparing muscovite flakes in these respective environments. It was expected that an eolian environment will produce rounded grains within a few weeks, and an aqueous environment will take a minimum of months to produce fully rounded grains. The resulting data from this project will shed some light on the depositional environments of K-feldspar-rich sandstones.
K-feldspar rounding, subaqueous, sandstone, eolian
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Recommended Citation
Sultan, Elizabeth G. and Henze, Emma
"K-feldspar Sand Grain Rounding in Eolian and Subaqueous Transportation,"
Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism: Vol. 9, Article 63.
DOI: 10.15385/jpicc.2023.9.1.80
Available at:
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