Library Intern Book Reviews

Review of Spot the Plot: A Riddle Book of Book Riddles by J. Patrick Lewis
Chronicle Books
San Francisco, California, United States of America
Date of Publication
Date of Review
Library and Information Science | Modern Literature
Children's literature, reviews
Recommended Citation
Schmidt, Stacie, "Review of Spot the Plot: A Riddle Book of Book Riddles by J. Patrick Lewis" (2012). Library Intern Book Reviews. 59.
This delightful book consists only of riddles about timeless children’s books. Some riddles are as short as four words or as long as seventy plus words! Some riddles rhyme, others are written so as to roll off the tongue in a lively bouncy manner. The illustrations compliment the riddles, all featuring a girl, a boy, and a dog. These three deliver visual clues to the identity of the book in the riddle. The characters are frankly adorable; the boy dressed in blue hounds-tooth and the girl dressed in a Noir-era fedora and trench coat. The dog usually adopts the guise of whatever book the riddles are based on. A variety of children’s classics are the subjects of these riddles, ranging from the picture books Good Night Moon and Ferdinand the Bull to chapter books like Charlotte’s Web and The Wizard of Oz. Spot the Plot would be an excellent resource for parents and educators who are seeking a youth appropriate book by which children can learn about classics of children’s literature. Indeed, the rhymes and illustrations may spur on reluctant readers to reading more. Included in the back is an answer list to the riddles, complete with authors. Highly Recommended. Stacie Schmidt, Centennial Library Intern.