Linguistics Senior Research Projects

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dynamic equivalence, formal correspondence, translation, sociolinguistics, comparative linguistics


This paper is a critical analysis of Eugene A. Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence as it relates to Bible translation, largely through a comparative study of select passages from the biblical genres of poetry, proverbs, and Pauline epistles. In addition, a brief survey distributed to 72 students at Cedarville University provides both qualitative and quantitative data regarding which English Bible version they prefer and why. Identifying Nida’s contributions to translation studies and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of his theory in practice serves to provide implications for believers who are seeking to discern which English version is the most accurate, natural, and clear. This study asserts that dynamic equivalence should take precedence over a more literal, word-for-word approach when translating Scripture because it is more useful in communicating the message of Scripture.

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