"The Effects of Bilingualism and Multilingualism on Lexical Retrieval" by Sarah E. Young

Linguistics Senior Research Projects

Document Type

Capstone Project

Submission Date



Bilingualism, lexical retrieval, RIF, retrieval induced forgetting, aphasia, tip of the tongue, presque vu


This research reviews literature that has been written concerning the positive and negative cognitive impact bilingualism has on the speaker. It then takes this research one step further asking whether increasing the number of languages one speaks slows down the person’s lexical retrieval. Methods include an interview and two tests, the data from which strongly supports the hypothesis mentioned in the literature review that bilingualism slows down lexical processing. This research concludes that having more languages does increase a person’s difficulty with retrieving words on demand.

Key terms: bilingualism, lexical retrieval, RIF, retrieval induced forgetting, aphasia, tip of the tongue, presque vu

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