"Partial Transcript of the 1912 Journal" by Hunter Hensley and Addison Lamb


Document Type


Transcription Date


Journal Date



Martha McMillan, Cedarville, diaries, journals, transcripts


October and December - Hunter Hensley

Addison Lamb's Introduction to the September and November 1912 Transcriptions.pdf (18 kB)
Addison Lamb's Introduction to the October and November 1912 Transcriptions

Hunter Hensley's Introduction to the October and December 1912 Transcriptions.pdf (14 kB)
Hunter Hensley's Introduction the October and December Transcriptions



About this Collection

The McMillan Journal Collection is an archive of the journals of Martha McMillan of Cedarville, Ohio, who maintained a daily journal from 1867 until her death in 1913.


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