"It's Instrumental, My Dear Watson: A Collective Investigation of Early" by Jillissa A. Brummel, Nate Chester et al.

Music and Worship Student Publications

Document Type

Research Report


Music, instruments, history of musical instruments



From Sin to Sensation: The Progression of Dance Music from the Medieval Period Through the Renaissance - Jillissa Brummel

Downfall of the Hurdy-Gurdy - Nate Chester

Birth of the Pipes: The Organ from Its Beginnings Through the Baroque Era - Joshua Drake

From Bows to Sound-Chests: Tracing the Ancestry of the Violin - Janelle Finley

Signals to Solos - Josiah Keith

From Silence to Golden: The Slow Integration of Instruments into Christian Worship - Jonathan Lyons

Coursing with Coils: The Only Orchestral Instrument Harder Than the French Horn - Sarah Plumley

From Harpsichords to Sackbuts: The Development and Evolution of Instruments Through the Renaissance Period - Kirsten Saur

The Interwoven Evolution of the Early Keyboard and Baroque Culture - Rachel Stevenson

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