News Releases

ICC Seniors Partner with AiG, CFA_1.JPG (6239 kB)
Cedarville IID seniors working with Chick-fil-A and Answers in Genesis: Nathan Gobrogge (back left), Tim Comstock (back right), Abby Ryan (front left), Dominique Capaldo (front center) and Cassie Cunningham (front right)


Equipping students for success is a goal of Cedarville University’s industrial and innovative design (IID) program, headquartered in Dublin, Ohio. As the only program of its kind at any private Christian university in the nation, Cedarville’s IID program allows students to benefit from senior capstone projects with national brands, including Chick-fil-A and Answers in Genesis.

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Cedarville, Cedarville University, industrial and innovative design



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