News Releases
Business partners Charles Nick and Taylor Minor talk about their product on Shark Tank, which will air on Sunday, Oct. 8. Dylan Siemens, far left, assists Nick and Minor by pouring coffee on the show.
More than 40,000 people apply to be on the hit TV show “Shark Tank” each year, but only 120 businesses get the chance to pitch their idea to multimillionaire and billionaire investors who might give them their big break. This year, The Village of Cedarville coffee house owner Taylor Minor made the show. He will appear on “Shark Tank” Sunday, Oct. 8, at 9 p.m.
Publication Date
Cedarville, Cedarville University, Shark Tank, Third Wave Water
Recommended Citation
Weinstein, Mark D., "Former Cedarville Student Appearing on Shark Tank this Sunday" (2017). News Releases. 545.