News Releases

UN Internship - Rufus2.jpg (790 kB)
Rufus Mathew stands at the United Nations during the 2019 Model U.N. conference


Summer internships are a common experience for college students. But not many have the opportunity to intern with the United Nations (U.N.).

Cedarville University freshman Rufus Mathew of Bahrain will intern at the U.N. this summer, beginning June 27 and finishing July 26. During his four and a half weeks in New York City, Mathew will attend open meetings of the U.N. Security Council and U.N. General Assembly; meet with organizations connected to the U.N., such as the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund and the World Health Organization; and interact with ambassadors and U.N. officials.

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Cedarville, Cedarville University, United Nations, internship



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