"Sedative Properties of <i>Calliandra portoricensis</i> Root Extract" by K. S. Gamaniel, Samson Amos et al.

Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty Presentations

Sedative Properties of Calliandra portoricensis Root Extract

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Event Date



XXIst CINP Congress


Glasgow, Scotland


Caliandra Portoricensis Benth is a shrub which is commonly used in the treatment of various gastro-intestinal and convulsive disorders by traditional medical practitioners in Nigeria. The anti-convulsant and analgesic activities of the stem and root extracts have attracted attention. However, the profile of its activity on the central nervous system (CNS) has not yet been established. The effects of the aqueous root extract of C. portoricensis were investigated in mice and rats so as to get the overall picture of its activity on the CNS. Effects on locomotor activity, amphetamine induced hyperactivity and pentobarbital sleep were studied. The extract (10–25 mg/kg ip) caused significant reduction in spontaneous motor activity (SMA), reduced amphetamine induced hyperactivity and stereotype behaviour in mice. The extract also shortened the onset and prolonged pentobarbital sleeping time in rats but did not cause sleep on its own. The results indicate that the root extracts of C. portoricensis may contain sedative principles that may be responsible for some of its traditional application.


Calliandra portoricensis, root extract, sedative properties, sedation, pharmacology


CINP also known as The International College Neuropsychopharmacology
