"Shadowing as an Option for an Elective Course in Experiential Educatio" by Carolyn F. Hughes, Miriam A. Ansong et al.

Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Shadowing as an Option for an Elective Course in Experiential Education in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Event Date



American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference


Boston, MA


Objectives: To develop an elective course that allows our students to explore careers in research/applied technology in one or more of the following areas: biomedical science; pharmaceutical science; or industrial pharmacy by interaction with professionals who are actively engaged in these disciplines.

Method: A systematic literature search using search terms related to pharmaceutical sciences experiential education was conducted in Pubmed, International Pharmaceutical Abstract (IPA), Cochrane Library and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists website. The purpose of this search was to determine what opportunities are afforded to students in newly established doctor of pharmacy programs. Local professionals who are engaged in research or applied technology in the areas of biomedical science; pharmaceutical science; or industrial pharmacy were contacted and the goals and potential contributions of each party were discussed. A site experience document was written to include objectives and a means for verification of student activity. The site experience document, together with the course syllabus, site evaluation form and course evaluation form will enable us to determine how the elective course could be modified to optimize the benefit to the student.

Results: The site experience document, program level outcomes, course outcomes, course objectives, assessment tools and site descriptions will be presented.

Implications: An elective course that affords PharmD students the opportunity to interact with professionals engaged in drug discovery, development and delivery can foster an interest in research and provide a first step in the establishment of a professional network.


Elective course, pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacy students, job shadowing
