Pharmacy Practice Faculty Publications

Pharmacy Student Perceptions of Teaching Award Recipients and Teaching Excellence

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Journal Title

American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education





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Objectives: To evaluate how students select 1) teaching award recipients and 2) perceive teaching excellence.

Method: A convenience sample of pharmacy schools (N = 12) were identified using referrals from committee members; representatives from each school were asked to forward a survey to professional students. The 19-item online survey instrument, developed from a review of the literature, contained questions regarding demographic information (9 items), considerations and criteria when voting for a teaching award recipient, and criteria that should be considered important when voting. Descriptive statistics and frequencies were performed using SPSS v. 22.0.

Results: Student respondents (N = 582) were evenly distributed across school year terms (P1 = 24%, P2 = 22%, P3 = 29%, P4 = 24%) and were representative in terms of gender (69% female) and type of school (53% private). The top-ranked characteristics considered when selecting an instructor for an award were: demonstrating compassion and caring for students (N = 131), creating an engaging classroom environment (N = 113), and being knowledgeable about the subject matter (N = 89). Criteria considered very important when selecting an instructor included: effective communication skills (N = 371), enthusiasm toward teaching and learning (N = 345), knowledgeable (N = 325), good role model/mentor (N = 306), and helps students understand how subject relates to profession (N = 304). Criteria that should be considered and were ranked as very important did not differ from initial top 5 characteristics identified.

Implications: Students select teaching award recipients who are compassionate, engaging and knowledgeable. These results can help faculty understand student perceptions regarding teaching excellence. Students may need additional information regarding other criteria important for teaching excellence, such as the scholarship of teaching and learning.


Pharmacy student, teaching awards, teaching excellence, instructor
