CedarCommons - The Research and Scholarship Symposium (2013-2019): Prevention of Postpartum Depression Related to Mode of Birth Delivery

Prevention of Postpartum Depression Related to Mode of Birth Delivery

Type of Submission


Campus Venue

Dixon Ministry Center, Alumni Hall


Cedarville, OH

Start Date

4-10-2013 1:00 PM

End Date

4-10-2013 5:00 PM



Postpartum depression (PPD) is defined as "moderate to severe depression in a woman after she has given birth. It may occur after delivery or up to a year later. Most of the time, it occurs within the first three months after delivery" (Merrill, 2010, p.l). " ... 10 to 20 percent of women in the U.S develop a more disabling and longer-lasting disorder called postpartum depression in the first year after childbirth that often impairs their ability to care for their babies" (Gaschler, 2008, p.1 ). The topic of this review of literature is the connection of postpartum depression and the correlation to mode of delivery, specifically cesarean section. The population of interest for this topic is soon-to-deliver mothers and postpartum mothers. The interventions needed for practice are increased nurse education of risk factors and signs and symptoms of postpartum depression with women who are at higher risk in order to better provide preventative methods to postpartum depression. Comparisons made include previous actions on postpartum depression such as treatment after PPD develops versus the prevention of postpartum depression by screening for risk factors, educating women, and providing care to ensure that the delivery process is as least stressful as possible. The outcomes needed are to increase prevention of postpartum depression by identifying risk factors and increased nursing education to identify and eliminate as many risk factors as possible.

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Apr 10th, 1:00 PM Apr 10th, 5:00 PM

Prevention of Postpartum Depression Related to Mode of Birth Delivery

Cedarville, OH