CedarCommons - The Research and Scholarship Symposium (2013-2019): Community Education on MTM Services

Type of Submission



MTM, medication therapy management, education


Background: Medication nonadherence, defined as “the number of doses not taken or taken incorrectly that jeopardizes the patient’s therapeutic outcome,” is a major health problem with about 43% of the general population nonadherent to their medications. Medication nonadherence accounts for an estimated 125,000 deaths per year in the US, 33-69% of medication-related hospital readmissions, and an estimated $100 to $300 billion in direct and indirect medical costs. Medication therapy management (MTM), defined as “a distinct service or group of services that optimize therapeutic outcomes for individual patients,” has been found to reduce medication nonadherence. However, many individuals eligible for MTM services are not aware of the resource available to them and do not believe the service will be beneficial to them.

Objectives: A pre post observational study design will be used to determine the effects of two types of educational interventions on MTM of patient’s perceptions of MTM and enrollment in MTM services.

Methodology: Participants will be divided into two intervention groups. All participants will complete a pre survey to assess current perceptions of MTM services. One group will attend a community educational event on MTM, and the second group will receive an educational brochure in the mail. All participants will complete a post survey to reassess perceptions of MTM after the educational intervention. In addition, all participants will be tracked to determine future enrollment in an MTM service.

Analysis: Descriptive tests and paired t-tests/Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests will be run on data acquired from pre and post surveys. Unpaired t-tests/Mann Whitney and chi-square tests will be run to compare data between intervention groups. Descriptive tests will be run on data acquired from tracking enrollment.

Faculty Sponsor or Advisor’s Name

Dr. Aleda Chen

Campus Venue

Stevens Student Center


Cedarville, OH

Start Date

4-1-2015 11:00 AM

End Date

4-1-2015 2:00 PM

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Apr 1st, 11:00 AM Apr 1st, 2:00 PM

Community Education on MTM Services

Cedarville, OH

Background: Medication nonadherence, defined as “the number of doses not taken or taken incorrectly that jeopardizes the patient’s therapeutic outcome,” is a major health problem with about 43% of the general population nonadherent to their medications. Medication nonadherence accounts for an estimated 125,000 deaths per year in the US, 33-69% of medication-related hospital readmissions, and an estimated $100 to $300 billion in direct and indirect medical costs. Medication therapy management (MTM), defined as “a distinct service or group of services that optimize therapeutic outcomes for individual patients,” has been found to reduce medication nonadherence. However, many individuals eligible for MTM services are not aware of the resource available to them and do not believe the service will be beneficial to them.

Objectives: A pre post observational study design will be used to determine the effects of two types of educational interventions on MTM of patient’s perceptions of MTM and enrollment in MTM services.

Methodology: Participants will be divided into two intervention groups. All participants will complete a pre survey to assess current perceptions of MTM services. One group will attend a community educational event on MTM, and the second group will receive an educational brochure in the mail. All participants will complete a post survey to reassess perceptions of MTM after the educational intervention. In addition, all participants will be tracked to determine future enrollment in an MTM service.

Analysis: Descriptive tests and paired t-tests/Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests will be run on data acquired from pre and post surveys. Unpaired t-tests/Mann Whitney and chi-square tests will be run to compare data between intervention groups. Descriptive tests will be run on data acquired from tracking enrollment.


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