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Type of Submission

Podium Presentation


Islam, Christianity, missions, missiology, Qur'an, Jesus


The Qur'an and the Bible both feature characters that appear to point to the same historical person of Jesus. While some Christians believe this apparent common ground to prove advantageous to evangelism, closer inspection reveals the two characters to be irreconcilable. This paper utilizes the approach to a Christian theology of religions proposed by Daniel Strange as a helpful heuristic tool to analyze the function of the Qur'an's Jesus character. Ultimately, it argues that presentation of the biblical Gospel requires differentiation between the two characters rather than viewing Jesus as common ground.

Start Date

4-8-2020 1:00 PM

End Date

4-22-2020 6:00 PM

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Publication Date

April 2020


Apr 8th, 1:00 PM Apr 22nd, 6:00 PM

Christ in the Scripture of Islam: Remnantal Revelation or Irredeemable Imposter?

The Qur'an and the Bible both feature characters that appear to point to the same historical person of Jesus. While some Christians believe this apparent common ground to prove advantageous to evangelism, closer inspection reveals the two characters to be irreconcilable. This paper utilizes the approach to a Christian theology of religions proposed by Daniel Strange as a helpful heuristic tool to analyze the function of the Qur'an's Jesus character. Ultimately, it argues that presentation of the biblical Gospel requires differentiation between the two characters rather than viewing Jesus as common ground.