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"Music of the Spheres" "Harmony of the Spheres"


The Music of the Spheres is the idea that as the planets move, they create music, and that music has both positive and negative effects on the world and the people therein. This ideology that has its roots in several ancient cultures, and many prominent historical figures believed it as fact. Beliefs about the Music of the Spheres have evolved throughout history, ultimately resulting in the modern understanding of how music impacts people and hinting at realities even more amazing than the original theory of the Music of the Spheres. This project describes the basics and genesis of this theory and traces through history several central ideas of the Music of the Spheres: the belief that the planets make music, its effects on people, and its use for healing. The last portion of this project looks at the modern-day concept of the Music of the Spheres, through both a philosophical and scientific lens.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.



The Music of the Spheres: Music, Magic, and the Wonder of the Skies

The Music of the Spheres is the idea that as the planets move, they create music, and that music has both positive and negative effects on the world and the people therein. This ideology that has its roots in several ancient cultures, and many prominent historical figures believed it as fact. Beliefs about the Music of the Spheres have evolved throughout history, ultimately resulting in the modern understanding of how music impacts people and hinting at realities even more amazing than the original theory of the Music of the Spheres. This project describes the basics and genesis of this theory and traces through history several central ideas of the Music of the Spheres: the belief that the planets make music, its effects on people, and its use for healing. The last portion of this project looks at the modern-day concept of the Music of the Spheres, through both a philosophical and scientific lens.