Type of Submission

Art Exhibit


paint, art, abstract, non-objective, meaning, humanity


My goal in creating this piece, titled The Human Bind, was to visualize my own perspective of human connection. Everyone that we experience touches us in some way. We are all comprised of pieces of one another. We will always have these small ties, some more conscious than others. People are so vastly different in nature and our perceptions of life can result in conflicting ideas, despite these links. My subject matter was non-existent, as I wanted to make this piece without prior preparation. I put some recognizable details, such as faces and fruits, but also many non-representational aspects. I want the viewer to appreciate the small hints of cohesion the piece gives, but also spend moments finding the unique details and studying the deeper parts of the composition.

The Human Bind is painted on thick cardstock, sourced from the backing of a picture frame. It is composed of many layers of different mediums, starting with acrylic paint. The composition is created using a blend of sharpie, puffy paints, food dye, acrylic, paint pens, and pencils (graphite and colored). The first composition that you see can be broken into many different smaller compositions. The content includes non-objective as well as recognizable shapes. It is a maximalist piece with the intention of being a lot to take in. Elements of movement, shape, line, and motion are visible, and differentiated by multiple textures. When the viewer looks at the piece, I want their eyes to dart all around, trying to find the elements of cohesion.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Publication Date




The Human Bind

My goal in creating this piece, titled The Human Bind, was to visualize my own perspective of human connection. Everyone that we experience touches us in some way. We are all comprised of pieces of one another. We will always have these small ties, some more conscious than others. People are so vastly different in nature and our perceptions of life can result in conflicting ideas, despite these links. My subject matter was non-existent, as I wanted to make this piece without prior preparation. I put some recognizable details, such as faces and fruits, but also many non-representational aspects. I want the viewer to appreciate the small hints of cohesion the piece gives, but also spend moments finding the unique details and studying the deeper parts of the composition.

The Human Bind is painted on thick cardstock, sourced from the backing of a picture frame. It is composed of many layers of different mediums, starting with acrylic paint. The composition is created using a blend of sharpie, puffy paints, food dye, acrylic, paint pens, and pencils (graphite and colored). The first composition that you see can be broken into many different smaller compositions. The content includes non-objective as well as recognizable shapes. It is a maximalist piece with the intention of being a lot to take in. Elements of movement, shape, line, and motion are visible, and differentiated by multiple textures. When the viewer looks at the piece, I want their eyes to dart all around, trying to find the elements of cohesion.


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