Science and Mathematics Student Presentations



Submissions from 2024


Exploring Ohio's Frozen History: Gorges and Glacial Outwash Erosion of Southwest Ohio, Nathanael Luke Harkrider


Carbonate in the Coconino Sandstone Near Ash Fork, Arizona, Emma Henze


Petrology of the Coconino Sandstone at Andrus Point, Grand Canyon, Arizona, Emma Henze


Effects of the Ras-GEF Inhibitor, BAY-293, on Gene Expression and Protein Phosphorylation in Tetrahymena Thermophila, Heather G. Kuruvilla, Caleb Alberghene, Jennifer Britton, Jacob Chadwick, Abigail Damron, Jennifer DeKoninck, Gracyn Duesing, Elizabeth Eidsmoe, Sydney Haga, Abigail Misselbeck, Austin Nelson, Emily O'Neal, Nehemiah Peters, Karianne Reynolds, and Julia Kuruvilla


The Antimitotic Srug BAY-293 Reduces Acetylation at H3K27 and Decreases Diversity of Genes Expressed while Reducing Expression of rRNA and Ribosomal Proteins in Tetrahymena Thermophila, Heather G. Kuruvilla, David Armistead, Charlie Cook, Luke DeKryger, Ethan Elliott, Alexa Haines, Isaiah Kelly, Chukwuemelie Ojukwu, Sarah Radzelovage, Karianne Reynolds, Abigail Skurdal, Hunter Tenpas, Jessica Terrell, and Katie White


Nuclear Isolation Reduces Nonspecific Binding by anti-H3K27Ac Antibody in CO-IP Studies, Heather G. Kuruvilla, Charlie Cook, Ethan Elliott, Chukwuemelie Ojukwu, Sarah Radzelovage, Karianne Reynolds, and Abigail Skurdal


Successful Transfection of the pC9T Plasmid into Tetrahymena Thermophila Using Liposomes, Heather G. Kuruvilla, Nathan Spottswood, Seth Hale, Sarah Lemacks, Autumn Sellars, David Armistead, Luke DeKryger, Alexa Haines, Isaiah Kelly, Hunter Tenpas, Jessica Terrell, and Katie White


H3K27Ac Levels are Affected by Heat Stress and Anti-Mitotic Drugs in Tetrahymena Thermophila, Heather G. Kuruvilla, Nathan Spottswood, Seth Hale, Sarah Lemacks, Autumn Sellars, Charlie Cook, Ethan Elliott, Chukwuemelie Ojukwu, Sarah Radzelovage, Karianne Reynolds, and Abigail Skurdal


Comparative Metabolomics of Four Fatigue Disorders: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), Long COVID, Fibromyalgia (FM), and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Heather G. Kuruvilla, Colleen Weaver, Joshua Jones, and Hunter Tenpas


Survey and Conservation Status of Flora at Indian Mound Reserve Cedarville, Ohio, Jordan C. Oldham

Submissions from 2023


H3K27 is Involved in Mitotic Regulation in Tetrahymena Thermophila, Abigail Bautista and Heather G. Kuruvilla

How Often Do Radioisotope Dating Methods Agree? A Statistical Study of 29,000 Radioisotope Ages in the USGS National Geochronological Database, Micah D. Beachy, Benjamin R. Kinard, and Paul A. Garner


Tetrahymena Thermophila as an Indicator Species for Climate Change, Haleigh Eckert, Tara Keller, Katarina Mills, Isaac Seabra, Taylor Strickland, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Can We Estimate Soil Respiration from the Sky?, Mark A. Gathany, Kassi Eskeldson, Jonah Lynch, Molly Moses, Elizabeth Tan, and Carl Weaver


Can Liposomes be Used to Transfect Tetrahymena Thermophila for CRISPR/Cas9 Studies?, Heather G. Kuruvilla, Arianna Bland, Miki Fath, Caleb Faul, Abigail Hall, Samuel Johnson, Sarah Kinder, Katarina Mills, Abigail Misselbeck, Chukwuemelie Ojukwu, Nathan Spottswood, Emily Wachter, Ethan Wang, and Samantha Wolff


Florida Panther Habitat Loss and Potential Danger to Species Stability, Stephen Lehmann, Meredith Smith, and Ben Aiken


A Potential Biocorrelation of the Morisson, Lourinha, and Tendaguru Formations, Jonathan Maxwell


Domestication Syndrome in Animals: Evaluating the Trajectory of Domestication Syndrome Research, Daniel R. Ormsbee

Submissions from 2022


Characterization of a Laminin-like Protein in the Kinetodesmal Fibers of Tetrahymena thermophila, Madeline Ardrey, Kaylee Howell, Abbigail Paterson, Adin Pendell, Ezra Shimabenga, Nicholas Silveira, Anna Tomic, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Could a Protist help us understand cancer?, Madeline Ardrey, Kaylee Howell, Abbigail Paterson, Adin Pendell, Ezra Shimabenga, Nicholas Silveira, Anna Tomic, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Expression of miR-145 and miR-449 in U87 Glioblastoma Cells, Alexis K. Burket, Luke M. Deberny, William T. DeKryger, Isaiah T. Kelly, Aubrey C. Strong, and Kaleb M. Pauley


Can Tetrahymena thermophila help us better understand the activity of proto-oncogenes and their associated gene regulation?, Kaylee Howell, Sarah Harmon, Jeremy Lun, Jenna Martin, Benjamin Place, Spencer Reynolds, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Biological Implications of Hydroxyapatite Coatings on 3D Printed Titanium Implants, Jacob W. Southwell, Aaron Hunzinker, Rocco J. Rotello, Timothy L. Norman, Aaron R. Hutchison, and Grant W. Trautman

Submissions from 2021


Cost Comparison of Calcium Phosphate Transfection and Lipofectamine Transfection for Production of PCDH19 Protein in HeLa Cells, Isaac W. Brenneman and Sharon Cooper


Differential Regulation of Drosha and Dicer Homologues by Stress in Tetrahymena thermophila, Tevia Carr, Kyle Gannon, Jennifer Powell, David Rose, Nicholas Silveira, Georgia Vonlehmden, Emily Wachter, Anna Ward, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Immunolocalization of a Drosha-Like Protein in Tetrahymena thermophila, Emily Cox, Joanna L. Gibson, Joanna M. Weidensee, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


A Comparison of Methods to Estimate Forest Canopy Structure in Cedarville, Ohio, Jakob Dillon, Andrew Harshbarger, Maggie Hayes, Autumn Pisarsky, Brynna Zellner, and Mark A. Gathany


Tonal Variation in an Agricultural Field in Greene County, Ohio, Kenan Estes


Immunolocalization of a PIGR-like Protein in Tetrahymena thermophila, Emily G. Fitts, Fabio M. Herrera, Georgia Vonlehmden, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Hydrogeochemical Analysis of Wells in Cedarville, Ohio, Audrey Illig


Immunolocalization of Kinetodesmal Fibers with an Anti-Laminin Antibody in Tetrahymena thermophila, Heather G. Kuruvilla, Anna Ward, and Stephen Vinczi


Geotechnical Considerations for Constructing a Single-family Dwelling on a Particular Parcel in Bullitt County, KY, Maria M. LeFaive


A Summary of the Gorgonopsia and its Members, Jonathan Maxwell


Superpredators: How Two of the Largest Carnivorous Land Animals Ever to Live Survived and Thrived, Jonathan Maxwell


Preparation and Description of a Sauropod Femur from the Morrison Formation at Skull Creek, CO, Sara A. Mitchell


An Overview of Monstrous Moonshine, Catherine Riley


Development of Plasmid Vectors of Neurodevelopmental Proteins, Sarah Seman and Sharon Cooper


Investigation of Osseointegration of Three 3D Printed Titanium Scaffold Structures, Sarah Seman, Grant Trautman, Jacob W. Southwell, Timothy L. Norman, and Rocco J. Rotello


Small Mammal Survey Finds Strong Inverse Spatial Relationship with Forest Canopy Cover, Kurt Speed, Jakob Dillon, Andrew Harshbarger, Maggie Hayes, Autumn Pisarsky, Brynna Zellner, and Mark A. Gathany

Submissions from 2020


How the Western Was Won: Evidence for Netrin Signaling Machinery in Tetrahymena thermophila, Abeth J. Baskar, Breanna J. Beers, Shelby E. Cornelius, Joanna L. Gibson, Fabio M. Herrera, Andrew T. Koenig, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Joint Orientation Readings from the Gorge of Massies Creek, Greene County, OH, Paul P. Coviello


Biochemical Evidence for Netrin-Signaling Homologues in Tetrahymena thermophila, Fabio M. Herrera, Shelby E. Cornelius, Emily G. Fitts, Andrew T. Koenig, Kimberly J. Pompo, Joanna M. Weidensee, Jamie L. Weinhold, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Static Water Level Data from Well Drilling Logs in Proximity to a Proposed Quarry Site, Clark County, Ohio, Hunter V. Kraynak


The Mesozoic Vertebrate Paleontology of Israel, Jonathan Maxwell


The Three Sentinels of Information - Libraries, Archives, and Museums: Divided Institutions or Equal Guardians of Knowledge?, Jordan C. Oldham


Quantifying the Concentration of 33-mer in Wheat Flour, Abigail E. Rivas, Kaylee A. Howell, and Robert Paris


Cross-bed Dips and Azimuths from Sandstones in the Western United States, John H. Whitmore and Paul P. Coviello

Presentations from 2019


Characterization of a Netrin-4 Like Protein in Tetrahymena thermophila, Leah Anderton, Nicholas Bradley, Bryce Childers, Levi Fox, Kirstyn Kelley, Lauren Lightbody, Allison McClean, Estelle Viaud-Murat, Lydia Watson, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


A Description of a Population of Rugose Horn Corals in the Whitewater Formation (Richmondian, Ordovician) Camden, OH, Campbell F. Bortel


Recombinant Netrin-4 Does Not Signal Through the Netrin-1 or Netrin-3 Pathway in Tetrahymena thermophila, Nicholas Bradley and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Tetrahymena thermophila Lack a Homologue of the Caenorhabditis Elegans Lin-4 miRNA, Bryce H. Childers, Sorrel Paris, Emma Wessels, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Using CT Scans to Describe an Allosaurus Skull (Dinosauria: Theropoda), Jordan C. Oldham

Presentations from 2018


The Use of Drones for Creating 3D Models of Waterfalls and Bedrock Features, with Particular Attention to Process and Teaching Applications, Campbell F. Bortel


Netrin-3 Signals Through Serine Phosphorylation in Tetrahymena thermophila, Cayla C. Eckley, Rebecca N. Haught, Kyle J. Hooper, Jared E. Matz, Joshua L. Wilson, Bethany C. Khol, Katelyn R. Malik, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


On Passing the Buck, Adam J. Hammett and Anna Joy Yang


Netrin-3: Tracking the Elusive Antimitotic Signal on the Western Frontier, Michael David Jolley, Kirsten P. Kelley, Jared E. Matz, Natalie S. Phillips, Emma Wessels, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Mapping Netrin Signaling in Tetrahymena thermophila, Katelyn R. Malik, Bethany C. Khol, Stephanie J. Hermann, Kenneth W. Ward, Daniele T. Modderman, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Paradigms and Paleoartists: How our Perception of Dinosaurs Forms, Jordan C. Oldham


A Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis of Massie’s Creek Gorge, Greene County, OH, Using HEC-RAS, Joshua W. Perez


Small Mammal Diversity Varies by Vegetative Cover (Greene County, Ohio), Shannon Swicker, Kaytlin (Goodwin) Huizinga, and Mark A. Gathany


A Comparative Analysis of Martin Luther's Works, Lauren E. Yost, Josh Graham, Peter Kennell, Daniel J. Stank, Joshua Kira, and Annis N. Shaver

Presentations from 2017


Migration Frustrations of miR-146a Regulation, Emma Baccus, Victoria Gahman, Hannah Phillips, Shannon Rappaport, Alyssa Reiter, and Kaleb M. Pauley


Spatial and Temporal Variability of Water Quality Parameters in Cedar Lake (Cedarville, Ohio), Laura A. Cashman, William A. Smith, Shannon L. Swicker, Abigail L. Williams, and Mark A. Gathany


Netrin-3 Peptide (C-19) is a Chemorepellent and a Growth Inhibitor in Tetrahymena thermophila, Jennifer N. Felzien, Brandon R. Kalb, Bethany C. Khol, Katelyn R. Malik, Matthew S. Merical, Lois Parks, David Paulding, Shannon Rappaport, Kenneth W. Ward, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Effect of Metformin on miR-146a Expression, S. Jackson Grout, Bryce C. MacTurk, Amanda D. Sims, and Kaleb M. Pauley


A Correlation and Stratigraphy of Detailed Measured Core Sections of the Waynesville and Liberty Formations (Katian; Richmondian) - Transecting Warren, Clinton, and Fayette Counties of Ohio, Mark P. Guilliams


Does Logic Help Us Beat Monty Hall?, Adam J. Hammett, Nathan A. Harold, and Tucker R. Rhodes


Netrin-3 Avoidance and Mitotic Inhibition in Tetrahymena thermophila Involves Intracellular Calcium and Serine/Threonine Kinase Activity, Stephanie J. Hermann, Bailey L. Hixon, Bethany C. Khol, Ryan D. Kvarness, Jade Lee, Katelyn R. Malik, Gregg W. Mendel, Daniele T. Modderman, Lois Parks, David Paulding, Kenneth W. Ward, Matthew A. Sitler, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Petrographic Analysis of the Oriskany Sandstone (Lower Devonian) from the Ellisburg Storage Pool, Potter County, Northcentral Pennsylvania, Emily R. Jackson


Immunolocalization of a Netrin-3 Like Peptide in Tetrahymena thermophila Using Antibodies Against the N- and C-terminus of the Protein, Bethany C. Khol, Katelyn R. Malik, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Netrin-1 Signals Through Protein Kinases in Tetrahymena thermophila, Bethany C. Khol, Katelyn R. Malik, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Genuine or Reproduction: A Comparision of 3D Imaging Techniques, Erica A. Loughner and Jordan C. Oldham


MiR-146a Upregulation of Phagocytosis in Human Macrophages, Ryan Marquardt, Daniel J. Stank, and Kaleb M. Pauley


E,E-farnesol Inhibits Swarming Motility in Burkholderia cepacia Through Rhamnolipid Production, Stephanie E. Nicholls, Alayna N. Sanderson, Andrea P. Schwartz, Lauren E. Ward, Jessica N. Weisensee, Molly Yandrofski, and Tracy L. Collins


The Effect of Photoactivated TMP on Burkholderia cepacia Biofilms, Reyna G. Osorio, Chandra N. Swiech, and Tracy L. Collins


Genetic Variation in Concentration of the 33-mer Protein Subcomponent in Wheat, Robert L. Paris, Kaleb M. Pauley, Ryan K. Lokkesmoe, Sarah E. Lyon, James C. Dunlap, Julia M. Pierre, Timothy VanWingerden, Finny J. Johns, Kyle J. Kilchrist, Tyler J. Reid, and Caleb M. Winn


Characterization of Massive vs. Laminated Texture of the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Arizona from the Study of Thin Sections, Sarah C. Rouse


Models of Nation-Building via Systems of Differential Equations, Carissa F. Slone, Darryl K. Ahner, Mark E. Oxley, and William P. Baker


A Description of a New Allosaurus (Dinosauria: Theropoda) Skull with Comparison to Additional Specimens, Michael D. Sprague


Understanding Feathered Dinosaurs, Michael D. Sprague


Understanding Feathered Dinosaurs, Michael D. Sprague


The Relationship Between Static Water Levels, Bedrock Topography, and Glacial Drift Thickness for the Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio Area, Joel G. Twinem

Presentations from 2016


Growth of Synthetic Silver Wires from Natural Acanthite, Calvin J. Anderson


The Effect of Luteolin on Human Glioblastoma, David M. Anson, Samson Amos, Robert L. Paris, and Denise S. Simpson


A Netrin-3 Like Protein is Secreted from Tetrahymena thermophila, John W. Behnke, David M. Dombrowski, Bryce C. MacTurk, Matthew S. Merical, Kenneth W. Ward, Lauren E. Ward, Daniel J. Stank, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Genetic Diversity in Concentration of a Protein Subcomponent in Selected Wheat Lines, Andrew B. Berman, Kelsey Gentry, Alexander K. Lee, Molly Yandrofski, Malorie Young, and Robert L. Paris


Optimization of Fluorescent Phagocytic Assay Using Apoptotic Cells, Jacob L. Brown, Jason R. Leigh, Ryan Marquardt, Cambria R. Puffenberger, Daniel J. Stank, and Kaleb M. Pauley


Identifying the Ordinary High Water Mark Through the Use of UAVs, Victoria Couser


Associations of Religious Involvement and Mortality: A Critical Review, Thomas Fisher


Relations Between Stream Chemistry, Fish Diversity, and Land Use in the Upper Little Miami Watershed, Connor J. Gilmour, Randy Howell, David Paulding, Charles W. Reynolds, and Mark A. Gathany


Microstructures Produced by Hadrosaur Bones from Alaska and Wyoming, Mark P. Guilliams, Samantha J. Lefaive, and Michael D. Sprague


Preliminary Results of Radiohalos from Four Sites of Precambrian Minnesota Granite, Rachel D. Holmes and Kathryn G. Meyer


Preliminary Correlation and Isopach Map of Navajo-Aztec-Nugget Sandstones, Western United States, Emily Jackson


Using UAVs to Establish a Visual Baseline of Stream Flow Conditions at USGS Stream Gauge Sites, Brett M. Kendra


Further Biochemical Evidence for Secretion of a Netrin-1 Like Protein from Tetrahymena thermophila, Matthew S. Merical and Heather G. Kuruvilla


Netrin-3 Peptide (C-19) is a Chemorepellent and a Growth Inhibitor in Tetrahymena thermophila, Matthew S. Merical, Kenneth W. Ward, Lois Parks, and Heather G. Kuruvilla


The Petrology and Geochemistry of the Independence Dike Swarm, Owen’s Valley, California, Sean B. O'Donnell


Correlation of Basal Cambrian Sandstones Across North America, Joshua W. Perez


Laboratory Determination of Porosity for a Vugular Carbonate Core Section by Water Immersion Method - Is It Effective Porosity?, Nolan Shula


Investigation of the Effects of Growth Environment on the Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power of Selected Plant Species, Denise S. Simpson, Marshall C. Johnson, David T. Bancroft, and Robert L. Paris