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[Photographic facsimile]

The Magnus Liber Organi, or "Great Book of Organum," is the largest and most important source for the influential composers centered around Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. Compiled during the 12th and 13th centuries, its most noted contributors included Léonin and his successor Pérotin. this work represents a step in the evolution of Western music between plainsong and the intricate polyphony of the later 13th and 14th centuries. The music of the Magnus Liber was used in the liturgy of the church throughout the feasts of the church year. This copy is a black and white photographic reproduction of the color original.

The copy of the Magnus Liber used to create the PDF (Additional Files) and the flipping book (the Read Online button) is in the public domain and made possible by courtesy of the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana.

The color content flipping book and pages were removed 6/18/24 because we received a request for use, they do not belong to our archives, and the above use statement was not available to the public


Biblical Heritage Gallery, Cedarville University, Magnus Liber Organi
