Staff Publications



Submissions from 1989

Joy, Louann Baise

Gentleness, Sandra (Millikin) Entner

Submissions from 1986

A Word to Grandparents, Martha Baldwin

Susanna, Martha Baldwin

Caregiving at Home, Audrey Bergen

His Business Is God's Business, Ron Coriell

Submissions from 1985

Aquila and Priscilla, New Testament Tentmakers, Martha Baldwin

Three Laymen Working and Witnessing Abroad, Martin E. Clark, Ron Coriell, James Engelmann, Charles Elliott, and Walter Griffeth

Submissions from 1984

How Much Do You Really Know About Wills?, Robert C. Auckland

Is Your Will Up-To-Date?, Robert C. Auckland

Submissions from 1983

Helping Jamie Grow, Martha Baldwin

Housework, Bernice Bowersox

Still Working, Beatrice Printy

Submissions from 1982

Praying with Power, Ron Coriell

Submissions from 1981

Fanny Crosby: A Music Hero of the Faith, Ron Coriell and Rebekah Coriell

Submissions from 1979


Wise Stewardship Isn't an Accident, Kenneth St. Clair