The pictures in this image gallery are from the Harold Strobridge Collection, housed in Archives and Special Collections at the Centennial Library at Cedarville University. Mr. Strobridge was a local resident who documented the activities and people of the village of Cedarville, Ohio, and the surrounding area. This gallery, which contains nearly 1,800 images, can be searched by using the search box in the right-hand sidebar and selecting "in this collection" from the search options.
Grace Baptist Church, Cedarville, Ohio
Note on slide: "Grace Baptist Church" View is from Main Street looking north.
Grand Army of the Republic Hall and Soldiers
Note on front: " G.A.R. Hall & soldiers. Cedarville, O 1909"
Greenville Treaty
Note on slide: "Treaty Greenville." Photo shows a painting of Native Americans and the British Army signing a treaty.
Group of Hired Men at the Paper Mill
Note on back: " #32 Mrs. Ben Sparrow" A similar photo identifies the men as "Paper Mill men".
Grove Street Union School
Note on slide: "Old school. Xenia Ave. Grove St. Union School." Photo shows several students posing in front of brick building.
Grove Street Union School
Note on back: "Cedarville Public ("Grove") School. Xenia Ave. Being razed - June 1934 (rear view)"
Hagar Paper Mill
Note on back: "Hagar Paper Mill. Cedarville, Ohio. Oct. 15, 1933" Photo shows wagons loaded with straw in front of storage area, a water tower, and chimney.