The pictures in this image gallery are from the Harold Strobridge Collection, housed in Archives and Special Collections at the Centennial Library at Cedarville University. Mr. Strobridge was a local resident who documented the activities and people of the village of Cedarville, Ohio, and the surrounding area. This gallery, which contains nearly 1,800 images, can be searched by using the search box in the right-hand sidebar and selecting "in this collection" from the search options.
Swimming Pool in High Water
Note on back: "Swimming pool in high water. 1936. Flax pool and Dam high water. 1936 spring. Cedarville. O. taken by Mother" Flax is probably Flack's Pond, found on an old map of Cedarville.
Tarbox Cemetery
Note on slide: "Tarbox Cemetery Ground. About 1915." Photo shows an old brick home with someone sitting in the open window.
Teddy Richard
Note on back: "Teddy Richard, Cedarville, Oh. Had shoe repair shop in Honeymooon Flats just south of Cozy Theater. April 1913"
Telegrapher at Telegraph Office
Note on slide: "Telegrapher at Telegraph Office east of Cedarville" Photo shows man sitting at desk.
Telegraph Office on Barber Road
Note on slide: "Telegraph". Photo shows five men and a dog standing in front of telegraph office.
Telegraph Office on Barber Road
Note on slide: "Telegraph Office on Barber Road" Two men are standing next to the office.
Telegraph Office on Barber Road
Note on slide: "Telegraph." Photo shows telegraph office with train passing .
Telegraph Office on Barber Road
Note on slide: "Telegraph retake". Photo shows telegraph office with five men standing in front of it.
Three Ladies at a Lake
Nothing noted on slide: Photo shows three older women sitting next to a porch and close to a lake.
Tom Mitchel's Mill
Note on back: "Ruins of Tom Mitchel's Mill. Cedarville, Ohio. Sept. 6, 1931. Triangle of Wilmington Rd. and S #72"
Townsley Harness Shop
Note on back: "S. Main St. across road from where I lived. Townsley Harness shop. East side of S. Main St. Oil Station."
Townsley Restaurant, Pool Room, and Hotel
Note on slide: "Townsley Restaurant and Poll Room/Hotel. Kroger Store there later. Harry Wright manager. S. Main St. Cedarville."
Townsley Restaurant, Pool Room, and Hotel
Note on slide: "Townsley Restaurant and pool room and hotel. Kroger store here later. Harry Wright manager. S. Main St. Cedarville"