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Cedarville College


Cedarville, Ohio, United States of America


From the Introduction:

“The history of Cedarville College is unique in that it has been in continuous operation under three successive administrations. It was chartered by the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America in 1887. This denomination operated the college quite successfully for many years, but finally it could not adequately support the school. With the intention of seeking the support of the Presbyterian Church in the USA, the administration finally asked to be released from the control of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. The attempt to gain acceptance by the Presbyterian Church in the USA was unsuccessful, which left the college without a supporting denomination. Nevertheless, the college had a sizeable endowment to survive the Great Depression and World War II. However, a period of very poor administration from 1946 to 1953 consumed the Endowment Fund and caused the financial failure of the college. In 1953 the Board of Trustees invited the Baptist Bible Institute of Cleveland to take possession of the assets and to continue operation of the college. This administration faced great difficulties in the early years of operation, but has finally achieved a thriving school.”

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McDonald, Cedarville University, history
