Residence Hall
Job Position
Dean of Women

Creation Date
Winter 2024
Affectionately known to “her girls” as “Ma” Printy, Beatrice Printy came to Cedarville in 1972. She served as Dean of Women, 1972-1975, and as the resident director for Maddox Hall, 1972-1981, and for Willetts Hall, 1982-1986. Ma was known for being fearless, from the huge Cadillac she drove to campaigning as Jim Phipps’ running mate in the 1980 “CedarWhat?” mock presidential election campaign, and for singing in the New Student Talent Night in 1984. She is remembered for opening her apartment for parties and late-night sessions with the women under her care and for giving of herself generously for the comfort and encouragement of others. In 1978 she was named Staff Member of the Year, and in 1985 was named Honorary Alumna of the Year. The women’s residence hall Printy Hall was named for her in 1979.
Source: Barbara Loach, Cedarville University: Defining Legacies