"Examining Different School Structures' Effect on Reducing the Achievem" by Eric Reini

Master of Education Research Theses

Date of Successful Defense


Date Degree Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M.Ed.)




Stephen S. Gruber, Ed.D.


achievement gap, school structure, career academy, african-american students


The fact that an achievement gap between White and African- American students exists is undisputed. The reasons for this gap are many and complex. Evidence does exist, though, that this gap can be narrowed and potentially eliminated. Evidence also exists that demonstrates that when the gap in academic achievement becomes equal African-Americans are more likely to complete college and earn nearly the same income as Whites. Educators must understand the many reasons for the achievement gap and find ways to narrow the gap and further ensure the future success of all students. It is the purpose for this thesis to explore the reasons for the achievement gap and some possible solutions for narrowing the gap. Specifically, the paper will show one possible solution – the Academy structure.



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