Master of Education Research Theses

Date of Successful Defense


Date Degree Awarded


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M.Ed.)




Stephen S. Gruber, Ph.D.


culture-worldview dynamic system, school textbook discourse, control beliefs, metaphysical-epistemological equilibrium, worldview transformation dynamics, discourse capacity to articulate worldviews


Izyumtseva, Ganna V. M.Ed., Educational Department, Cedarville University, 2013. Worldview-Building Potential of Ukrainian ABC Bukwar Textbooks.

The research study examined the worldview foundation undergirding the content of Soviet and contemporary Ukrainian ABC Bukwar textbooks (hereinafter referred to as theBukwar) to define whether, if at all, contemporary Bukwar has moved from the Soviet control beliefs, whether it stimulates the formation of a new conceptual vision of reality, necessary for building democratic society and formation of a new human resource. To conduct the study, I employed the grounded theory as a leading theoretical paradigm. The analysis has identified the position of Soviet and contemporary Bukwars on the metaphysical-epistemological questions (different positions on the question of metaphysics and epistemology result in different worldviews). The results were juxtaposed and interpreted in relation to the culture-worldview dynamic system; the role of Bukwar as a component of this system was identified. The findings reveal that contemporary Bukwars have moved from a totally atheistic foundation; however, the worldview base undergirding their content remains incoherent. The research study discusses the findings in the context of cultural and political transformations occurring in Ukrainian society.



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