This collection showcases presentations made by Cedarville University faculty members at various conferences, workshops, and other public venues.


Presentations from 2005

Intimacy in Marriage: A Theology of Sexuality, Thomas Hutchison
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

The Development and Assessment of a Reflective Process for Preservice Teachers, T. Huziak, N. Schaefer, T. McKeny, William I. Jones, G. Rice, and L. Hoenshell
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Job Commitment Among US Postal Workers, Chi-en Hwang, R. Gilfillen, and A. Furlong
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Women as Managers: Attitudes of Christian College Students Toward Women in Management, Chi-en Hwang and K. Whitaker
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Real Presence, McClendon, and Hubmaier, Aaron B. James
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Advanced Uses of Word Software, Randall L. Johnson
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Examination of a Cohesive Reflection and Evaluation Process for Preservice Teachers, William I. Jones and T. Huziak
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Meeting NCATE/NSTA Accreditation: A Framework and Resources, William I. Jones, D. Meissner, and E. Brownstein
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Incentives and Impediments to Using Technology in Higher Education: A Qualitative Case Study, A. Kannan and Michael W. Firmin
Psychology Faculty Presentations


A Ciliary Sensation: Mapping Components of the GTP Signaling Pathway, Heather G. Kuruvilla
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations


Requiring Undergraduate Research for a BS Degree in Biology: Does It Do Any Good?, Heather G. Kuruvilla, Alicia E. Schaffner, and B. E. Phipps
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Versailles and the League of Nations: Wilson and Churchill on Progress and the Structure of Peace, Justin D. Lyons
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Winston Churchill and the Second World War, Justin D. Lyons
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Education, Politics, and War in Winston Churchill's My Early Life, Justin D. Lyons and James W. Muller
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Procedures for Overseas Internship Placements, Brenda B. MacKay
Education Faculty Presentations


The Best Children's Books for 2005, Gregory A. Martin and Thomas L. Sweigard
Library Faculty Presentations

Reading Between the Lines: Assessing the Similarities and Differences Between Mainstream and Black Owned Newspapers and Their Coverage of Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger, Jewerl Maxwell and A. Jones
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Social Constructs of Female Strumpets, L. McCotter and Michael W. Firmin
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Guest Lecture, James D. Mellick
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

Guest Lecture, James D. Mellick
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

Cross-disciplinary Theatre Practice: Utilizing Techniques of Boal and Freire to Provide Scenarios for Practical Social Work Dramatization, Diane C. Merchant
Art, Design, and Theatre Faculty Presentations

Assessment Workshop, Julie L. Moore
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Songwriting for the Emerging Postmodern Millennium, John Mortensen
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations

A Comparison of Pre- and Post-Self-Ratings of Subjective Relaxation in Structured and Non-Structured Conditions: A Pilot Study, B. T. Porter, A. J. Clemans, Milton E. Becknell, Chi-en Hwang, and Michael W. Firmin
Psychology Faculty Presentations


Smoking and Dose Dependent Early Effects of Nicotine on Bone Mechanical Properties and Histology, D. S. Porter, Timothy L. Norman, and Vincent Kish
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations


Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Fluid Flow in a Rotating Channel, Zhaohui (George) Qin
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Theoretical Modeling of Turbulent Flow in a Rotating Square Duct, Zhaohui (George) Qin
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

E Portfolios, Lynn G. Roper and Rebecca Oswald
Education Faculty Presentations

How Individuals with Traumatic Injuries Manage Their Everyday Lives Following a Motor Vehicle Crash: Methodology, Anne C. Russell
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Traumatic Injuries: Orchestrating End-of-Life Care, Anne C. Russell
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Sepsis, How It Applies to EMS Providers, Peter J. Savard
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Sepsis, The Silent Killer, Peter J. Savard
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Weapons of Mass Destruction and Forensic Evidence, Peter J. Savard
Nursing Faculty Presentations

The Distribution of Verbal Forms in Biblical Aramaic, Michael B. Shepherd
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Hallmarks of Effective Integration of Faith and Social Work Practice, Michael E. Sherr
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Recruiting and Retaining Social Work Faculty: A Family Integrated Strategy, Michael E. Sherr and J. Jones
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Partners in Technology to Improve Patient Safety, M. A. Simpson and Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

On Being Democrat in an All Republican University, Kevin F. Sims and Michael W. Firmin
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Measuring Malalignment in Knee Osteoarthritis, Elizabeth A. Sled, P. Costigan, T.D.V. Cooke, L. Sheehy, H. Hundt, and M. Qui
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

Is the Maker of Heaven and Earth the Father of Jesus? (Conference Presentation), Carl B. Smith II
Biblical and Theological Studies Faculty Presentations

Voice Clinic, Mark W. Spencer
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations

Human Personhood and Bioethics, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Panel Presentation, Dennis M. Sullivan
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations


Stem Cells and Moral Analogies, Dennis M. Sullivan
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Teaching Bioethics Across the Disciplines: A 'Survival Kit' for Undergrads, Dennis M. Sullivan
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

The Heart of Medicine, Dennis M. Sullivan
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Debate: Ethics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Dennis M. Sullivan, R. Reese, and A. McWilliams
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Talk Art, Helena Sullivan
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Presentations

Partners in Technology to Improve Patient Safety, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Asthma: A Review of the Disease and Its Management, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Can You Hear Me Now? Physicians and Pharmacists Communicating to Improve Patient Safety, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Reimbursement Information and Resources: When the Intervention Works, but the Patient Can't Afford It, Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Palliative Care Certificate Program, Marc A. Sweeney, P. A. Grauer, and M. Reed
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Asthma Management, Marc A. Sweeney and K. R. Lee
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The Top Ten Drug Topics of 2005, Marc A. Sweeney and Marc A. Sweeney
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Data Collection, Analysis, and Preliminary Findings, Betty Ruth Sylvester
Education Faculty Presentations

Harry, Hercules, and Hurricanes: An Examination of Intertextual Connections in Adolescent Writers, Betty Ruth Sylvester
Education Faculty Presentations

Percentiles, Stanines, and Raw Scores - What Do They Mean?, Betty Ruth Sylvester
Education Faculty Presentations

What Does Research Say About Handwriting Instruction?, Betty Ruth Sylvester
Education Faculty Presentations

Off the Beaten Path and On to Engaging Paths to Test Taking, Betty Ruth Sylvester and F. Babcock
Education Faculty Presentations

Taking the Testy Out of Testing: An Approach for Preparing Young Children for Achievement Testing, Betty Ruth Sylvester and F. Babcock
Education Faculty Presentations

Are Biblical Covenants Dissolvable?: Toward a Theology of Marriage, John Tarwater
Business Administration Faculty Presentations

Heart Failure and MTMS: Role of the Pharmacist, Phillip L. Thornton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Heart Failure and MTMS: Role of the Pharmacist, Phillip L. Thornton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Roundtable Discussion on Medicare Part D and MTMS, Phillip L. Thornton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The Beat Goes On…Update in Cardiology, Phillip L. Thornton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

What is a Consultant Pharmacist?, Phillip L. Thornton
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Common Pitfalls in Supreme Court Practice, Robert Vaughn
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Ohio Appellate Practice, Robert Vaughn
History and Government Faculty Presentations

Advances in Breast Cancer, Amy J. Voris
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Homoclinic Connections of Unstable Plane Waves of the Long-wave-short-wave Equations, Otis C. Wright III
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Instabilities and Oscillations in a Modified Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation, Otis C. Wright III
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Mathematics Colloquium, Otis C. Wright III
Science and Mathematics Faculty Presentations

Adaptive Differential Interference Cancellation Multiuser Detection Method in DS CDMA, Tim Shee Yao
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations


Fracture Toughness of Human Femoral Neck Cortical Bone is Reduced with Age and with Increased Osteon Eccentricity, Y. N. Yeni and Timothy L. Norman
Engineering and Computer Science Faculty Presentations

Exploring Coping Strategies Among Culturally Diverse College Students, T. E. Ziegler, Chi-en Hwang, and Milton E. Becknell
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Presentations from 2004

De-mystifying Musical Memorization, Connie A. Anderson
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations

How to Prepare Your Students for Recitals and Auditions, Connie A. Anderson
Music and Worship Faculty Presentations

COX-2 Inhibitors and Cardiovascular Risk, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

COX-2 Inhibitors and Cardiovascular Risk, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Multi-Drug Therapy for the Treatment of Hyperlipidemia, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Preventing Medication Errors, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

The COX-2 Inhibitors and Cardiovascular Risk, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Therapeutic Interventions for the Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Therapeutic Interventions for the Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes, Douglas C. Anderson
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Incorporating an Educational Trip and Review of the National Library of Medicine’s Databases in Drug Information Course to Enhance Students’ Learning: Database Overview, Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Incorporating an Educational Trip to the National Library of Medicine into a Drug Information Course: An Approach to Enhance Students Learning, Understanding, and Effective Use of Drug Information Databases, Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Incorporation of Experiential-Based Techniques to Augment Student Learning in a Didactic OTC Course, Miriam A. Ansong
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Avoiding Adverse Drug Reactions in the Elderly, Jeffrey A. Bates
Pharmacy Practice Faculty Presentations

Teaching Critical Thinking, Eddie K. Baumann
Education Faculty Presentations

Examining the Distribution of HIV/AIDS Service Agencies in Philadelphia, G. Bell, D. Britt, D. Fiore, Julie Furj-Kuhn, D. Grundy, J. Edward Murray, and D. Metzger
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Examining the Distribution of HIV/AIDS Service Agencies in Philadelphia, G. Bell, D. Britt, D. Fiore, Julie Furj-Kuhn, D. Grundy, J. Edward Murray, and D. Metzger
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Examining the Distribution of HIV/AIDS Service Agencies in Philadelphia, G. Bell, D. Britt, D. Fiore, Julie Furj-Kuhn, D. Grundy, J. Edward Murray, and D. Metzger
Social Work Faculty Presentations

Engaging Community in the Levy Process, Kenneth Blood
Allied Health Faculty Presentations

21st Century Challenges in Recruiting and Developing Academic Library Staff, Lynn A. Brock
Library Faculty Presentations

History of the English Bible, Lynn A. Brock
Library Faculty Presentations

History of the English Bible, Lynn A. Brock
Library Faculty Presentations

The Relationship Between Eating Disorder Behavior and Myers-Briggs Personality Type (poster presentation), Amanda J. Burger, L. Anderson, Michael W. Firmin, and Chi-en Hwang
Psychology Faculty Presentations

Do You See My Hurt? Using Drawing as a Strategy to Understand Children's Pain, S. Cheng, R. L. Foster, Chu-Yu Huang, and J. Wang
Nursing Faculty Presentations

Repression as Seen in the Personalities of Anorectic Females, A. Craycraft and Amanda J. Burger
Psychology Faculty Presentations