This picture is a glimpse into Ecuador. The mountains coincide with the Palm trees and the church door acts as a lens to with one should view the surrounding environment.
This glimpse of nature reminds me of Psalm 65:9-13. Nature is a reminder of how, like it, we are so reliant on God. We look to him to be watered and renewed each day. As it cries out to praise him, so should we.
I have been interested in photography for a number of years, and most of my photographs focus on enjoying the breathtaking beauty of God's creation. I love to hike, backpack, ski, motorcycle, and drive through the mountains to leave behind...
I took this picture this summer while on a 10 day vacation in the Galapagos Islands. I "island-hopped" between 4 islands (Baltra, Isabela, Santa Cruz, and San Cristobal) during my time there. Absolutely beautiful sights all around and this...
A gentle breeze reaches your ears with the faint sound of a whisper. You look for the source of the whisper to discover the culprits are the earth's castles. You can not help but be pulled in by their beauty like a Greek warrior to a...
Gothic Mountain is the walls to its own cathedral holding up the vaulted ceiling of the sky above. The sky is never ending allowing the worshipers below to praise God without limits. The aspens and conifers are the worshipers singing songs...
This piece focuses on one of Philadelphia's most prized possessions: the Reading Terminal Market. The clock challenges one's perception of time. The glare forms whimsy.
Took this one evening on the cliff walk from Bray to Greystones after a day in Dublin. The sun broke through the clouds when we were at the top Bray Head giving this view.
I took this photo this past spring on a photography trip with a friend to Rhode Island. I took it with a DJI Mavic Pro at about 200 feet in the air, and about 200 feet from the coast.
This photo is a few people gathered for CHE, or Community Health Evangelism training, a program that helps people in 3rd world nations improve their community through things like sanitation, commodes, and society. These people will take...
Over the summer I like to do sunrise kayak trips down quiet rivers. One of the mornings I came across a family of ducks as they were just waking up and beginning their search for breakfast, and I thought I could try and get a picture of...
One of the things I love to do is to go on sunrise kayaks, and this particular morning I was out kayaking on a river and came around a corner to see this beautiful bird sitting there fishing and happened to scare it to take off in the...
Before Chick-Fil-A there was the most beautiful maple tree on campus. This particular day a rainbow was also present. What a beautiful promise God gives to us.
This photo is of a sweet boy I had the pleasure of meeting at the villages in Bali, Indonesia. I went to Bali with a few members of my church for a missions trip. We went to the village to meet and pray with the people there for most of...
This photo was taken at Casting Crowns concert in 2016. Christian concerts are a great time to glorify the Lord through praise and worship with our primary community that helps us grow. The lyrics in this song stand so true to me, "I will...