"Listen and Believe" by Kora Ostrowski

Name of Photographer

Kora OstrowskiFollow

Date of Photograph

Spring 4-28-2016


Friends & Community


This photo was taken at Casting Crowns concert in 2016. Christian concerts are a great time to glorify the Lord through praise and worship with our primary community that helps us grow. The lyrics in this song stand so true to me, "I will choose to listen and believe." I love that it starts with "I will choose." It is our choice as humans. We serve a God who does not force faith upon us, yet gifts it to us and lets us choose if we would like to accept it. The second part, "to listen and believe" serves as a primary prayer for my life. I must first listen to what God says. Whether this is in prayer, reading scripture, hearing from my brothers and sisters; I must believe and have faith. I am so thankful for my God of love and mercy.


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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


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