Library Faculty Publications
Publications from 2022
Book Review: What Is Philosophy For?, Jeffery S. Gates
Book review: Everything Sad Is Untrue, Sharon Kerestes
Eucatastrophe in The Lord of the Rings, Kirsten N. Setzkorn and Justin D. Lyons
A Critical Analysis of David and Goliath in Picturebooks, Ruth Sylvester Dr., Megan R. Brown, and Sharon Kerestes
Publications from 2021
Book Review: Theoretical-Practical Theology, Jeffery S. Gates
The Y-Factor: Why Do Research?, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 2020
Book Review: Homeless for the Holidays, Nathanael Davis
Book Review: Liberty in Peril, Nathanael Davis
Book Review: Mud Boy, Nathanael Davis
Book Review: The Science of Parenting Adopted Children, Nathanael Davis
Book Review: Christobiography, Jeffery S. Gates
The Y-Factor: What Others Do Not Do, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 2019
Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom: A Biblical Model of Information Literacy, Jeffery S. Gates
The Y-Factor: Christian Librarians or Librarian Christians?, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 2018
Book Review: 40 Questions About Church Membership and Discipline, Jeffery S. Gates
Book Review: Introduction to Theology for Ministry, Jeffery S. Gates
Book Review: Rational Faith, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 2017
The Legacy of William Gibson: Estate Gift Made Cedarville a Reality, Lynn A. Brock
Math and Science Sections Associated Lessons and Practice Materials, Nathanael Davis
Book Review: Using the Bible in Practical Theology, Jeffery S. Gates
American Association of Bible Colleges, Joshua B. Michael
Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges, Joshua B. Michael
Christianity Today, Joshua B. Michael
Harold Lindsell, Joshua B. Michael
Illinois Mormon War, Joshua B. Michael
Key '73, Joshua B. Michael
Missouri Mormon War, Joshua B. Michael
Moody Monthly, Joshua B. Michael
Mormon Rebellion, Joshua B. Michael
The Religious Dimensions of the American Civil War, Joshua B. Michael
Youth For Christ International, Joshua B. Michael
Discovering and Recovering the Nineteenth-Century Journals of Martha E. McMillan in an American Women Writer’s Course: A Collaborative Digital Recovery Project, Michelle M. Wood, Lynn A. Brock, Gregory A. Martin, and Adam John Wagner
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Publications
Publications from 2015
Book Review: Christians in an Age of Wealth, Jeffery S. Gates
Self-Care: A Christian Perspective, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 2014
Book Review: Forensics, Gregory A. Martin
Investing in the Student Staff Development Process, Jeremy McGinniss and Joshua B. Michael
Publications from 2013
Book Review: The Social Transcript, Jeffery S. Gates
Battle of Aldie, Virginia, Joshua B. Michael
Battle of Groveton, Virginia, Joshua B. Michael
Battle of Rappahannock Station, Joshua B. Michael
Briscoe Campaign, Joshua B. Michael
Buck and Ball, Joshua B. Michael
Excelsior Brigade, Joshua B. Michael
Hugh Judson Kilpatrick, Joshua B. Michael
Philadelphia Brigade, Joshua B. Michael
Western Sanitary Commission, Joshua B. Michael
Publications from 2012
Book Review: LIT! A Christian Guide to Reading Books, Joseph Fox
A Forum on Library Construction: Murphy Memorial Library, Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, Joshua B. Michael
Blue Light Federalists, Joshua B. Michael
The Blue Light Affair, Joshua B. Michael
Publications from 2010
Book Review: Self-Examination, Jeffery S. Gates
Professional Tasks of Librarians at Small Bible College Libraries, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 2009
Book Review: Web 2.0 for Librarians and Information Professionals. Kroski, Ellyssa., Joseph Fox
Alexander Doniphan, Joshua B. Michael
Thomas Corwin, Joshua B. Michael
Publications from 2008
Escaping the Gender Trap: Sport and the Equality of Christ, Donald L. Deardorff and Julie D. Deardorff
English, Literature, and Modern Languages Faculty Publications
Book Review: The Twelve Little Cakes, Brent Etzel
The Care and Feeding of Library Student Assistants, Gregory A. Martin
Battle of Lovejoy, Georgia, Joshua B. Michael
First Battle of Big Black River, Joshua B. Michael
Fredericksburg Campaign, Joshua B. Michael
Harry Hays, Joshua B. Michael
Improving Student Training Through Computer-Based Tutorials, Joshua B. Michael
Middleburg, Joshua B. Michael
Mine Run, Joshua B. Michael
Rebel Yell, Joshua B. Michael
Salem Church, Joshua B. Michael
Second Battle of Big Black River, Joshua B. Michael
Stonewall Brigade, Joshua B. Michael
Publications from 2007
Jane Grey Cannon Swisshelm, Brent Etzel
Book Review: Kregel Dictionary of the Bible and Theology, Jeffery S. Gates
Book Review: The Human Personality in Theology and Psychology, Jeffery S. Gates
Review: Parables of Jesus, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 2006
"A Serious Ethnological Exhibition": The Indian Congress of the Trans-Mississippi & International Exposition of 1898, J. Brent Etzel
Book Review: 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 2005
A PASport to Service Quality: Developing a Performance Assessment System. Part 2: The Centennial Library PASport System, Lynn A. Brock
Council for Yukon First Nations, Brent Etzel
Ignatius Donnelly, Brent Etzel
James B. Weaver, Brent Etzel
James Kivetoruk Moses, Brent Etzel
John Amagoalik, Brent Etzel
Pan-American Exposition of 1901, Brent Etzel
Shipping Act of 1916, Brent Etzel
Trans-Mississippi Exposition of 1898, Brent Etzel
Walter Hines Page, Brent Etzel
Publications from 2004
A PASport to Service Quality: Developing a Performance Assessment System. Part 1: The Context for Performance Assessment, Lynn A. Brock
Book Review: Library and Information Center Management, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 2002
Bison, Brent Etzel
Canadian Reciprocity, Brent Etzel
Council Bluffs, Iowa, Brent Etzel
Fort Snelling, Brent Etzel
Mesabi Range, Brent Etzel
Book Review: We Are Baptists, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 1999
The Biblical Basis of Selection, Jeffery S. Gates
Publications from 1997
The Changing Role of the Library Director, Lynn A. Brock
Publications from 1994
Focusing Our Future: Panel Presentation, Lynn A. Brock
The Networked Library and Campus Networking: The CedarNet Experience", Lynn A. Brock
Publications from 1991
Strategic Planning at Cedarville College, Lynn A. Brock
Publications from 1988
Buying Expertise: Selecting an Academic Library Building Consultant, Lynn A. Brock