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CedarCommons offers a professional-grade journal publishing platform that simplifies and expedites the peer-review process by tracking submission and referee activity, automatically emailing appropriate reminders, and providing a mechanism for anonymous correspondence between reviewer and author. Journals can have their own customized design, and the management software allows for workflows, journal settings, and policies to be easily customized. In addition, editors and authors automatically receive regular reports on their article downloads. For more information, please see our journal policies.

Bioethics in Faith and Practice (Center for Bioethics)

ISSN 2374-1597

Bioethics in Faith and Practice is a peer-reviewed professional journal. The focus of the journal is health care ethics, but it also includes articles of a more theoretical nature. Though the journal emphasizes Judeo-Christian values, it is open to a large variety of voices, including secular ones.

Bioethics in Faith and Practice ceased publication in 2019.

CedarEthics: A Journal of Critical Thinking in Bioethics (Center for Bioethics)

ISSN 2333-9713

CedarEthics is an undergraduate journal published by Cedarville University's Center for Bioethics. It ceased publication in 2014, when the Center began publication of its peer-reviewed journal, Bioethics in Faith and Practice.

The Center for Bioethics ceased operation in 2019.

Cedarville Review (Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages)

ISSN 2372-286X

Our mission is to compile the best undergraduate fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, and photography here at Cedarville University. Our focus is to showcase talented voices that explore the human condition in all its complexities and nuances. Our hope is to impact how college students think about and interact with art by publishing pieces which seek to, as C. S. Lewis instructs, “see with other eyes, to imagine with other imaginations, to feel with other hearts, as well as with our own.” In this way, we “demand windows” to investigate the experiences in our communities and understand truth from all our imperfections and beauties. Through critical empathy and creative expression, we seek to show the perfect need for Christ and his saving grace.

Channels: Where Disciplines Meet (Department of Communication)

ISSN 2474-2651

Channels is the journal of undergraduate research at Cedarville University. The journal publishes peer- and faculty-reviewed articles from all disciplines.

Channels strives to provoke thoughtful discussion among its readers as authors explore new ideas, generate creative solutions to existing problems, and develop knowledge in new ways.

Education Insights: A Journal of Research, Theory, and Practice (School of Education and Social Work)

ISSN 2836-3388

Education Insights is an annual, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal published by the School of Education and Social Work at Cedarville University. The journal includes original research, contemporary book reviews, and Christian thought on theories, interdisciplinary studies, pedagogy, and theology, aiming to guide scholars in the field of education.

Excerpts in Pharmacy Research Journal (School of Pharmacy)

ISSN 2374-4693

Excerpts in Pharmacy Research Journal, published by the School of Pharmacy at Cedarville University, ceased publication in 2017.

Musical Offerings (Department of Music and Worship)

ISSN 2167-3799

Musical Offerings, published by the Department of Music and Worship at Cedarville University, is an online, undergraduate musicology journal whose mission is to publish articles on topics in any area of musicology, ethnomusicology, music history, or church music history.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism

ISSN 2639-4006

Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism is a collection of peer-reviewed technical papers which seek to develop and systematize the Creation Model of origins from a young earth perspective. To browse previous issues of The Proceedings, please use the the drop-down menu under "Select a volume" in the sidebar or click here.

Resuscitating Paideia: Reading Literature for Wisdom (Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages)

ISSN 2375-7728

Resuscitating Paideia: Reading Literature for Wisdom ceased publication in 2015.

The Idea of an Essay (Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages)

The Idea of an Essay is an annual anthology of essays written by students in Cedarville University's composition classes. The essays are meant to serve as models of various genres for future composition students.