Channels is the journal of undergraduate research at Cedarville University. The journal publishes peer- and faculty-reviewed articles from all disciplines.
Channels strives to provoke thoughtful discussion among its readers as authors explore new ideas, generate creative solutions to existing problems, and develop knowledge in new ways.
Current Issue: Volume 8, Number 1, Fall 2023
Issue DOI: 10.15385/jch.2023.8.1
Language as a Bridge to the Soul: The Role of the Urban, Multilingual, Literate Amazigh Woman and Tarifit in Preserving Amazigh Ethnic Identity in the Rif
Madeline D. Spaulding
English, Literature, and Modern Languages
"A Guiding Star to the Youth of Every Land": Analyzing E. D. E. N. Southworth's Depiction of the 19th Century Ideal Man in Ishmael
Grace Mowery
English, Literature, and Modern Languages
End of the Patrol: Analysis of the Blimp and its Contributions to the US Navy, 1941-1962
Spencer M. Benefiel
History and Government
Pragmatic Features of Prayer
Rebekah true
English, Literature, and Modern Languages
Attitudes of American Secondary Students Towards Foreign Languages: A Study at a High School in Western Pennsylvania
Lynnell P. Fry
English, Literature, and Modern Languages

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Editorial Board
- Josh McClain
- Brianna DeMan
- Sarah Mummert
Faculty and Staff
- Julie Deardorff
- Kathryn Carnegis
- Dr. Mark Owens
- Dr. Nicholas Carrington