Pharmacy Faculty Presentations
Presentations from 1991
The Effects of N-acetylcysteine on Nitrate Pharmacology, Douglas C. Anderson
Basic Pharmacokinetics, Jeffrey D. Lewis
Ergogenic Drug Use in Amateur Athletes, Jeffrey D. Lewis
Medications and the Elderly, Jeffrey D. Lewis
Pharmacology of Critical Care Drugs, Jeffrey D. Lewis
Presentations from 1990
Electroencephalographic Effects of Iloprost in the Rat, K. Gamaniel, C. Wambebe, H. Vapaatalo, and Samson Amos
Pharmacology of Critical Care Drugs, Jeffrey D. Lewis
Presentations from 1989
Annual Pledge Banquet, Douglas C. Anderson
Nitroglycerin Ointment for the Treatment of Impotence, Douglas C. Anderson
Focused Review of Quality in a Pharmacokinetics Program, C. L. Crawley, Douglas C. Anderson, C. B. Frye, A. Underhill, and C. Dreyling
Ethics: A Standard of Practice, Jeffrey D. Lewis
Evaluation of a Training Guide for the Pharmacy Technician About the Health Care System and Interpersonal Communication Skills, Jeffrey D. Lewis
Comparison of Two Educational Approaches for Influencing Drug Prescribing Characterized Through DUE of a Nonformulary Drug, P. M. Mullins, J. D. Ostrosky, Jeffrey D. Lewis, J. M. Sesler, and N. S. Yunker
Presentations from 1988
Panic Disorder: Implications for the Pharmacist, Douglas C. Anderson
A Demographic Study of Hospital Pharmacy in Oklahoma, Douglas C. Anderson, S. Booth, S. F. Hamilton, E. Jacobs, and OSHPSA
A Demographic Study of Hospital Pharmacy in Oklahoma, Douglas C. Anderson, S. F. Hamilton, and E. Jacobs
Interdisciplinary Participation in Medical and Pharmaceutical Literature: Twenty Year Trends, Jeb Ballentine
Pharmacokinetics of Aminoglycoside Antibiotics in Spinal Cord Injured Patients, C. B. Frye and Douglas C. Anderson
Understanding and Affecting Patient Compliance, Jeffrey D. Lewis
Presentations from 1978
Benzo(a)pyrene Metabolites Bound to the Transcriptionally Active Fractions of C3H/10T1/2 Cells, Rebecca J. Trafzer and J. H. Rho