Pharmacy Faculty Presentations



Presentations from 2008

PDAs: What Does a Pharmacy Student Need to Know, Aleda M. Hess

Smooth Transitions, Aleda M. Hess

Smooth Transitions Throughout Pharmacy School and Beyond, Aleda M. Hess

Upregulation of Myosin Light Chain Kinase Activity in Fetal Ovine Carotids, Elisha R. Injeti

Upregulation of Myosin Light Chain Kinase Activity in Fetal Compared to Adult Ovine Carotid Arteries, Elisha R. Injeti, Gerhart Graupner, and William J. Pearce

Ultimately Underserved: An Examination of Underserved Populations in the United States and Ohio, Zachary N. Jenkins, A. Reed, N. Weldon, Y. Haskell, T. Bui, C. Do, N. Pancoe, and R. Czenkner

Pharmacists' Perception of Pharmacogenomics in Their Profession, Ajoy Koomer, Arjun T P. Dutta, Sujit S. Sansgiry, Miriam A. Ansong, Charles Preuss, Walter D. Soja, and Hieu T. Tran

A Geriatrics Emphasis Curriculum in a Pharmacy School Changes Student Perceptions, C. Mosler and Marc A. Sweeney

Medication Reconciliation Through Soarian Clinicals, Brenda L. Pahl

Exploring Collaborations, Yashwant V. Pathak, Hieu T. Tran, F. P. Facione, Kimberly K. Daugherty, Walter D. Soja, Miriam A. Ansong, D. B. Clark, D. B. Cleary, M. L. Coronel, Carolyn F. Hughes, Ajoy Koomer, E. A. Stephens, H. L. Wessel, and R. Yendapally


An Open-label Pilot Study of Transdermal Selegiline for Depression in Parkinson's Disease Patients, A. Ray, Marty L. Eng, K. E. Lyons, and R. Pahwa

An Open-Label Pilot Study of Transdermal Selegiline for Depression in Parkinson’s Disease Patients, A. Ray, Marty L. Eng, K. E. Lyons, and R. Pahwa

Kappa Opioid Receptor Ligands Derived from Salvinorin A, Denise S. Simpson, Peter L. Katavic, Anthony Lozama, Wayne W. Harding, Damon Parrish, Jeffrey R. Deschamps, Christina M. Dersch, John S. Partilla, Richard B. Rothman, Hernan Navarro, and Thomas E. Prisinzano


Novel Opioids Based on Salvinorin A, Denise S. Simpson, Anthony Lozama, Damon Parrish, Jeffrey R. Deschamps, Christina M. Dersch, Richard B. Rothman, and Thomas E. Prisinzano

Electronic Prescribing in the Community Setting: Partners in Technology to Improve Patient Safety Grant: Phase I & II, M. A. Simpson and Marc A. Sweeney

Electronic Prescibing, M. A. Simpson and Marc A. Sweeney

Abortion: Both Sides of the Story, Dennis M. Sullivan

A Physician Looks at Crucifixion, Dennis M. Sullivan

Beginning of Life Issues, Dennis M. Sullivan

Bioethics, Christianity, and Culture, Dennis M. Sullivan

Clinical Case Analysis: Ventilator Withdrawal, Dennis M. Sullivan

Ethical Analysis of the Savita Halappanavar Case: Conflicts of Duty and Unintended Consequences, Dennis M. Sullivan


Ethics and the Embryo, Dennis M. Sullivan

Genetic Enhancement: What Are the Biblical Limits?, Dennis M. Sullivan

Health Care Rights of Conscience, Dennis M. Sullivan

Health Care Rights of Conscience: The Current Crisis, Dennis M. Sullivan

Human Experimentation: An Unhappy Legacy, Dennis M. Sullivan

Human Personhood and Bioethics, Dennis M. Sullivan

Introduction to Ethical Theory, Dennis M. Sullivan

Keynote Address, Dennis M. Sullivan

Keynote Address (2008), Dennis M. Sullivan

Medical Futility, Dennis M. Sullivan

Medical Tourism, Dennis M. Sullivan

New Ideas in Stem Cell Research, Dennis M. Sullivan

Physician-Assisted Suicide, Dennis M. Sullivan

Physician Rights of Conscience, Dennis M. Sullivan

Resource Management Case Study, Dennis M. Sullivan

Stem Cell Research: Medical Promise and Moral Perils, Dennis M. Sullivan

Stem Cell Research: New Developments and Ethical Implications, Dennis M. Sullivan

The Ethics of Stem Cell Research, Dennis M. Sullivan

The Hippocratic Tradition in Medicine, Dennis M. Sullivan

Where Do Ethical Rules Come From?, Dennis M. Sullivan

Pharmacy as a Career Option, Marc A. Sweeney

Development and Implementation of MTM Services by a Pharmacy Practice Department for University Employees, Marc A. Sweeney

Pharmacy Practice Showcase, Marc A. Sweeney

Responding to Pharmacy's Hot Topics of 2008, Marc A. Sweeney

Implementing Electronic Prescribing in Family Medicine: Challenges and Benefits, Marc A. Sweeney and M. A. Simpson

Electronic Prescribing: Implementation and Barriers, Marc A. Sweeney and M. A. Simpson

Implementation of Revised Customizable Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Order Templates to Reduce Prescribing and Transcription Errors, J. Thompson, Justin W. Cole, S. Morvay, and S. Patton

Pharmacy Professionals’ Status in Kentucky, Hieu T. Tran, F. P. Facione, Kimberly K. Daugherty, Yashwant V. Pathak, Walter D. Soja, Miriam A. Ansong, D. B. Clark, D. B. Cleary, M. L. Coronel, Carolyn F. Hughes, Ajoy Koomer, Charles Preuss, E. A. Stephens, H. L. Wessel, and R. Yendapally

Presentations from 2007

Accessing Free Medical Journals, Miriam A. Ansong

Study Design Considerations to Control Variability in Auditory Startle Response and Locomotor Activity Assessments, Melissa J. Beck

Atypical Antipsychotics in the Management of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia, Marty L. Eng

Atypical Antipsychotics in the Management of Older Adults with Dementia: Friend or Foe?, Marty L. Eng

Efficacy and Risks of Current Pharmacotherapies Used to Treat Dementia, Marty L. Eng

Medication Management in Long-Term Care, Marty L. Eng

Selective Modification of the Furan Ring of Salvinorin A, N. Han, Kevin Tidgewell, Denise S. Simpson, and Thomas E. Prisinzano

DiSC: Understanding Your Personality and How to Work Effectively in a Team Setting, Aleda M. Hess

Making the Transition to New Practitioner, Aleda M. Hess

Smooth Transitions, Aleda M. Hess

Postnatal Maturation Increases the Abundance, but Decreases the Specific Activity, of MLCK in Ovine Carotids, Elisha R. Injeti, R. J. Sandoval, J. M. Williams, and W. J. Pearce

Recent Advances in the Total Synthesis of Ring-Opened Analogues of the Kappa Opioid Receptor Agonist Salvinorin A, M. D. Schmidt, A. L. Marquam, Denise S. Simpson, J. W. Podobinski, and Thomas E. Prisinzano

Synthesis of Open-Ring Analogues of Salvinorin A, a Hallucinogenic Opioid from Salvia divinorum, M. D. Schmidt, A. L. Marquam, Denise S. Simpson, J. W. Podobinski, and Thomas E. Prisinzano

Phytochemical Analysis of Endemic Jamaican species of Castela, Esenbeckia, and Spathelia, Denise S. Simpson

Synthesis and Opioid Receptor Activity of Salvinicin Analogues, Denise S. Simpson, Peter L. Katavic, Anthony Lozama, Wayne W. Harding, Damon Parrish, Jeffrey R. Deschamps, Christina M. Dersch, John S. Partilla, Richard B. Rothman, Hernan Navarro, and Thomas E. Prisinzano


Novel κ-opioid Receptor Antagonists Derived from Salvinorin A, Denise S. Simpson, Peter L. Katavic, Anthony Lozama, Wayne W. Harding, Damon Parrish, Jeffrey R. Deschamps, Christina M. Dersch, Richard B. Rothman, Hernan Navarro, and Thomas E. Prisinzano

Partners in Technology to Improve Patient Safety: Results from Phases I and II and Prepartion for Phase III, M. A. Simpson and Marc A. Sweeney

Abortion and Personhood, Dennis M. Sullivan

Beginning of Life Issues, Dennis M. Sullivan

Being Human in the Twenty-First Century, Dennis M. Sullivan

Blogging and Podcasting for the Classroom, Dennis M. Sullivan

Clinical Decision-Making in Terminal Patients, Dennis M. Sullivan

Embryonic Stem Cells from Non-Destructive Sources: A Way Out of the Ethical Quagmire?, Dennis M. Sullivan


Embryonic Stem Cells from Non-Destructive Sources: A Way Out of the Ethical Quagmire?, Dennis M. Sullivan

End of Life Case Studies, Dennis M. Sullivan

Human Personhood and Bioethics, Dennis M. Sullivan

New Technologies for Teaching Bioinformatics, Dennis M. Sullivan

Organ Donation After Cardiac Death, Dennis M. Sullivan

Organ Donation After Cardiac Death (Part II), Dennis M. Sullivan

Stem Cell Research: Consider the Source, Dennis M. Sullivan

Stem Cells and Moral Complicity, Dennis M. Sullivan

The Ethics of Homosexuality, Dennis M. Sullivan

The Ethics of Physician-Assisted Suicide, Dennis M. Sullivan

The Ethics of Physician-Assisted Suicide, Dennis M. Sullivan

The Ethics of Stem Cell Research, Dennis M. Sullivan

Using Scripture in Moral Debate, Dennis M. Sullivan

Where Do Ethical Rules Come From?, Dennis M. Sullivan

Choosing an OTC Medication, Marc A. Sweeney

Choosing an OTC Medication, Marc A. Sweeney

Pharmacy as a Career Option, Marc A. Sweeney

Pharmacy Booth, Marc A. Sweeney

Reducing Healthcare Costs, Marc A. Sweeney

Deal or No Deal? Responding to Pharmacy's Hot Topics of 2007, Marc A. Sweeney

Disease State Management Toolkit Program, Marc A. Sweeney

Respiratory Disease Management, Marc A. Sweeney

The Asheville Project, Marc A. Sweeney

Pain Management Certificate Program, Marc A. Sweeney and P. A. Grauer

Ohio Preceptor Training Program, Marc A. Sweeney, P. Parteleno, and M. Kaun

Ohio Preceptor Training Program, Marc A. Sweeney, P. Parteleno, and M. Kaun

Medication Safety, Marc A. Sweeney and M. Reed