Pharmacy Faculty Presentations



Presentations from 2014

Team-Based Learning Refresher, Marty L. Eng

Updates on Adverse Events in Older Adults, Marty L. Eng

Evaluation of Multi-course Integrated Learning on Pharmacy Student Competence in Self-Care Counseling, Neal S. Fox, Phillip L. Thornton, Aleda M.H. Chen, Thaddeus T. Franz, Tracy R. Frame, Jeb Ballentine, and Kelly J. Wright

Criteria-based Feedback and Evaluation of Pharmacy Residents, Thaddeus T. Franz

Medication Therapy Management Services, Thaddeus T. Franz

Preceptor Development Tools, Thaddeus T. Franz

Development of a Comprehensive Competency Rubric for Evaluating Pharmacy Student Self-Care Counseling, Thaddeus T. Franz, Aleda M.H. Chen, Phillip L. Thornton, and Neal S. Fox

What Do Residency Programs Really Want from Applicants Anyways?, J. Homes, Jordan McLeland, Nick Horsfall, K. Woo, Phillip L. Thornton, and Thaddeus T. Franz

Evaluation of Changes in Teamwork Perceptions after Experiencing a Diverse Team, Andrea D. Hopper, Mary E. Kiersma, Lorin Sheppard, Aleda M.H. Chen, Tracy R. Frame, and Rebecca J. Gryka

Evaluation of Student Expectations of Team Members and Teamwork, Andrea D. Hopper, Mary E. Kiersma, Lorin Sheppard, Aleda M.H. Chen, Tracy R. Frame, and Rebecca J. Gryka

Delivering Medication Therapy Management Services in the Community, Jeffrey L. Huston

Medication Acquisition for Medical Missions, Jeffrey L. Huston

Pharmacy Services: Culturally-Sensitive Medication Acquisition and Use, Jeffrey L. Huston and Jeffrey D. Lewis

Antimicrobial Stewardship: The War Against the Superbugs, Zachary N. Jenkins

A Pharmacy Student’s Guide to CV’s and Resumes, Zachary N. Jenkins

Decentralized Patient Education, Zachary N. Jenkins

Vancomycin Trough Levels: Why Accuracy Matters, Zachary N. Jenkins

An Introduction to Interprofessional Education, Zachary N. Jenkins, L. Cummings, M. Pelyhes, and A. Peterson

Enhanced Student Awareness and Recognition of Scholarly Teaching, Mary E. Kiersma, Aleda M.H. Chen, Elizabeth W. Blake, Nicholas M. Fusco, Erika L. Kleppinger, Freddy M. Creekmore, Marc E. Gillispie, and Vicky Moody

Clinical Hospital-Based Research: From Idea to ASHP Presentation, Emily M. Laswell

Sedation in the ICU, Emily M. Laswell

Culturally-Sensitive Medication Use in Under-Served Populations, Jeffrey D. Lewis

Emergent Use of NovoSeven in Aortic Dissection, Chelsea R. Manion

Multiple Myeloma in the Intensive Care Unit, Chelsea R. Manion

Pharmacist-Driven Monitoring and Evaluation of Taxane-Induced Neuropathy: A Pilot Program, Chelsea R. Manion

Pharmacist-driven Monitoring and Evaluation of Taxane-induced Neuropathy: A Pilot Program, Chelsea R. Manion

Pharmacist-Driven Monitoring and Evaluation of Taxane-Induced Neuropathy: A Pilot Program, Chelsea R. Manion

Updates & Trends in Oncology Specialty Pharmacy: A Pharmacy’s Capability of Adressing Barriers, Compliance, and Coordination of Care, Chelsea R. Manion

Tomar Sus Medicamentos Correctamente, Evelyne Ntam and Jeffrey L. Huston

ADRA2B Deletion Variant Selectively Predicts Stress-induced Enhancement of Long-term Memory in Females, David M. Peters

Post-learning Stress Facilitates Long-term Memory Consolidation, David M. Peters, P. R. Zoladz, and R. L. Aufdenkampe

Post-learning Stress Facilitates Long-term Memory Consolidation, David M. Peters, P. R. Zoladz, and R. L. Aufdenkampe

ADRA2B Deletion Variant Selectively Predicts Stress-induced Enhancement of Long-term Memory in Females, David M. Peters, P. R. Zoladz, A. E. Kalchik, M. M. Hoffman, R. L. Aufdenkampe, and S. M. Lyle

Implementing a Team-based Learning Pedagogy in an Integrated Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology Course, Denise S. Simpson and Rebecca J. Gryka

Osteoporosis: Disease State and Treatment Overview, Andrew M. Straw

The Impact on Employee Sick Days Following a Community Pharmacy-Operated, Employer-Sponsored, Worksite-Based Influenza Immunization Program, Andrew M. Straw

Bioethics and the Christian, Dennis M. Sullivan

Clinical Ethics Immersion, Dennis M. Sullivan

Embryos, Metaphysics, and Morals: Human Personhood and the New Biotechnologies, Dennis M. Sullivan

Stem Cell Research and the Image of God, Dennis M. Sullivan

The Ethics of Abortion, Dennis M. Sullivan

Where Do Ethical Rules Come From?, Dennis M. Sullivan

Clinical Services Reduce Prescription Drug Costs, Marc A. Sweeney

Creating an Innovative Health Delivery Model, Marc A. Sweeney

Managing Febrile Neutropenia in an Oncology Patient, Marc A. Sweeney

Physician – Pharmacist Collaborative Practice: Optimizing Outcomes, Marc A. Sweeney

The Profession is Positioned Well, Marc A. Sweeney

Convincing Employers to Pay for MTM Services, Marc A. Sweeney and T. Ash

Physician-Pharmacist Collaborative Practice: Optimizing Outcomes, Marc A. Sweeney and D. Parker

Evaluation of Multi-course Integrated Learning on Pharmacy Student Confidence in Self-Care Counseling, Phillip L. Thornton, Aleda M.H. Chen, Thaddeus T. Franz, Tracy R. Frame, Jeb Ballentine, Neal S. Fox, and Kelly J. Wright

Evaluation of Student Self-Care Confidence in Two Team-Based Learning Formats, A. Todt, M. E. Kiersma, Timothy A. Frame, Aleda Chen, Becky Gryka, and Stephanie M. Cailor

Infantile Spasms Respond Poorly to Topiramate Monotherapy, A. B. Weber, Justin W. Cole, and J. R. Mytinger

A Deadly Affair: Getting to the Heart of Nicotine Addiction, Kelly J. Wright

Impact of a Pharmacist-Managed Smoking Cessation Program, Kelly J. Wright

Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI) Core Values and Chapter Advancement, Kelly J. Wright, Miriam A. Ansong, and Marissa Cushing

Asthma Knowledge, Control, and Administration Techniques in Hispanic Caregivers of Pediatrics, Kelly J. Wright, Joshua Arnold, Rachel Culp, Kyle Hultz, Benjamin Robertson, and Amy Wuobio

Presentations from 2013

Fish Oils and Heart Health, Douglas C. Anderson


Health Literacy, Medication Adherence, and Patient Satisfaction in Community Pharmacy, Sarah Anderson, Kelly Madden, Lindsay Tarleton, Cassandra Wilson-Brownfield, Joseph Zerka, and Aleda M. H. Chen

Vision for the Center for Global Health Education, Miriam A. Ansong

Structure of the Day: Practical Innovative Technology-based Activity to Enhance Students’ Learning Through Inter-Departmental Collaboration, Miriam A. Ansong and Denise S. Simpson


Impact of a Pharmacist-Managed Smoking Cessation Program, Alexandra Archambault, Belinda Darkwah, Kale Hanavan, Ellery Kent, Myriam Shaw Ojeda, Larisa Yuchimiuk, and Kelly J. Hiteshew

Use of Minipigs in Juvenile Toxicity Studies, Melissa J. Beck


Emergency Contraceptive (EC) Use in Indigent Populations, Ashley Benjamin, Kasandra Chambers, Melissa McNicol, Amy Roy, Kurtis Schultz, April Yoakam, Miriam A. Ansong, and Tracy R. Frame

How to Take Your Medicine, A. Broussard, B. McIntyre, and Jeffrey L. Huston

What Are Pharmacist's Thoughts on Social Media Being the Next Counseling Stage?, Emily Bruce, Katherine Distel, Julie Neal, Matthew Rivera, Caleb VanDyke, and Jeffrey Huston


Patient Satisfaction with Pharmacist Counseling, Kristina Burban, Samuel Franklin, Sarah Marks, Trevor Reed, Brandon Spears, and Aleda M.H. Chen .

Assessment of Changes in Cultural Competence and Health Literacy Knowledge in First-year Student Pharmacists, S. Cailor, Aleda M. H. Chen, and Tracy R. Frame

Assessment of Student Confidence in Research and Evidence-based Practice, Stephanie M. Cailor, Aleda M. H. Chen, M. E. Kiersma, and Carrie N. Keib

Health Behavior Change, Ginger D. Cameron

Health Information Literacy, Ginger D. Cameron


Heart Smart: Healthy Living and Prevention of Chronic Disease, Ginger D. Cameron

Stress and Remote Employees, Ginger D. Cameron

Understanding Immunizations, Ginger D. Cameron

Understanding Influenza, Ginger D. Cameron

Seeing the Light: Engaging Students Using Active Learning for Social & Administrative Science Concepts, Aleda M. H. Chen

Getting Started in Research, Aleda M.H. Chen

Mentee to Mentor: Development in the Journey of Life, Aleda M.H. Chen

Rubric Development, Aleda M.H. Chen

Setting Goals and Sticking with It, Aleda M.H. Chen

The Last Stop: Tools for Effective Cross-Cultural Medication Counseling, Aleda M.H. Chen

Trends in Pharmacy Practice, Aleda M.H. Chen

Why Don’t You Just Take Your Medication?, Aleda M.H. Chen

Why Don't You Just Take Your Medication? Education Strategies for Patient Medication Compliance, Aleda M.H. Chen

Writing a Journal Article in 1 Semester, Aleda M.H. Chen

Psychometric Properties of an Instrument to Assess Student Confidence in Research, Aleda M. H. Chen, Carrie N. Keib, and M. E. Kiersma

Neurological Diseases and Use of Schedule II Barbiturates, Justin W. Cole

A Comparison of the Effect of Short Intermittent and Prolonged Intermittent Infusion of Meropenem on the Prevalence of Nausea in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Patients, Marissa Cushing, Juanita A. Draime, Bao-Ngoc Ho, Jordan Nicholls, Bethany Sibbitt, Rebecca Widder, Pat Christoff, Rebecca J. Gryka, and Denise S. Simpson

A Comparison of the Effect of Intermittent and Continuous Infusion of Meropenem on the Prevalence of Nausea in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Patients, Marissa Cushing, Juanita A. Draime, Bao-Ngoc Ho, Jordan Nicholls, Bethany Sibbitt, Rebecca Widder, Rebecca J. Gryka, and Denise S. Simpson

Parkinson’s Disease Pharmacotherapy, Marty L. Eng

Pharmacology of Aging, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease, Marty L. Eng


Design of Organ-based Therapeutics Modules Using Mixed Pedagogies with a TBL/PBL Foundation, Marty L. Eng and Tracy R. Frame

Evaluation of Team Perceptions Regarding Personality Types and Learning Styles, Timothy A. Frame, Becky Gryka, M. E. Kiersma, Aleda Chen, L. Sheppard, and Stephanie M. Cailor


Use of Myers-Briggs Personality Types in the Distribution of Students to Team-Based Learning Groups, Tracy R. Frame, Rebecca J. Gryka, Mary E. Kiersma, Lorin Sheppard, Aleda M.H. Chen, and Stephanie M. Cailor

American Heart Association Heartsaver’s Course, Thaddeus T. Franz

APhA MTM Certification Program, Thaddeus T. Franz


Being on Mission: What We Are Called to Do?, Thaddeus T. Franz

Criteria-based Feedback and Evaluation of Pharmacy Residents, Thaddeus T. Franz

Criteria-based Feedback and Evaluation of Pharmacy Residents, Thaddeus T. Franz

Experiential Methods, Thaddeus T. Franz and Phillip L. Thornton

APhA Immunization Training & Certification Program, Thaddeus T. Franz, Kelly J. Wright, and Phillip L. Thornton