Psychology Faculty Publications

Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education: Vol. 2

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The Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference (EQRE) is one of two longstanding, national conferences in the United States, focusing specifically on qualitative research. It has a rich history, being previously held at institutions such as the University of Massachusetts and Teachers College, Columbia University. The conference draws scholars from across the nation and internationally to share research focused on qualitative methodology. The 18th annual conference, held in Ohio, represented peer-reviewed contributions from over 100 different scholars. This volume presents some of the highlighted papers presented at the 2006 EQRE conference. This includes articles addressing methodological approaches to qualitative research, perspectives relating to English as a Second Language (ESL), action research, connecting human services with educational research, instructional improvement, and culture & environment. The authors' works provide examples both of methodological rigor in qualitative research and also possessing important points of application related to educational professionals. Scholars of qualitative approaches to research as well as educational professionals will find this work particularly apt and a valuable scholarly resource.


Education, research, ethnographic, qualitative, psychology


The full title of this book is Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education Volume II.
