CedarCommons - The Research and Scholarship Symposium (2013-2019): Female Genital Mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation

Type of Submission



Female genital mutilation

Campus Venue

Dixon Ministry Center, Alumni Hall


Cedarville, OH

Start Date

4-10-2013 1:00 PM

End Date

4-10-2013 5:00 PM



This paper will contend that female genital mutilation in Sub-Saharan Africa, though a widely accepted cultural practice is unethical because it violates Kant's second categorical imperative. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is the product of a male dominated society that wishes to control the sexual activity of its women and to maintain its power over them. The practice of FGM uses woman as a means to a culturally desired end and infringes the intrinsic worth of women. FGM should be outlawed because it violates Kantian ethics. This practice should not be ignored based on cultural relativism. I researched academic databases, reviewed scholarly literature, and studied Kantian ethics and cultural relativism. I also read personal accounts of FGM. According to Kant, all human beings should be an end in their own right and not a means to an end for someone else's desired outcomes. This approach justifies the discontinuation of this abusive practice, so that women can fully experience their intrinsic value.

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Apr 10th, 1:00 PM Apr 10th, 5:00 PM

Female Genital Mutilation

Cedarville, OH